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1. 以巩固知识,渗透技能为主的导入方式







(3)free- talk导入

这里所说的free- talk,不是单一的师生互动式的单纯练习交际能力的谈话导入方式,而是把它与写作结合起来,在老师组织和引导下的free- talk。

2. 以提高课堂艺术,激发学习兴趣渗透基本能力的导入方式。



如(SB l A Unit 3 Lesson 10)American English讲述的是美国英语与英国英语在语音、词汇、及拼写方面的差别以及产生这些差别的原因;而Lesson9中的Dialogue里Yang Mei因不知英美表示“秋天”的用词差异,而不知Sara所问。于是,教师可以这样导入:

T:Why did Yang Mei not quite follow Sara?

S:Because she didn’t understand the meaning of “falI”?

T:Why not?

S:Because they didn’t know Americans say “fall” instead of“autumn”.

T:Right. If we know the differences between American English and British English,we can learn English better. Do you think so?


T:Would you like to know about their differences?

S:Yes.We’d like to.

T:Ok. Please turn to page 10. Let’s learn Lesson 10,American English.


把教材内容贴近实际生活,同时又把实际生活引入教学过程中,使课文学习与现实生活(包括热点新闻、热门话题等)紧密地联系起来,激发学生联想、想象,使新旧知识融会贯通。此法也包括时事评论导入法、Free talk导入法等。

高一Unit 9 Lesson 33是Jenny和Mei Ge围绕公司买电脑的一段对话。教师讲授此课时,便可联系学校欲购电脑建机房一事,让学生发表自己的看法,从而导入新课。

a. Though our school is not very rich,our headmaster has decided to buy some computers to build a computers’ room.In your opinion,is it right to make such a decision? Why?

b. If you are sent to buy computers for our school,what will you do before buying them? Which types Of computers do you prefer,Pentium III or Pentium IV?

c. Today we are going to lean a dialogue about buying a new computer. Now,listen to the dialogue carefully and find out the answer to this question:Which computer have they decided to buy?



如在讲(高一Unit 5 Lesson,18)The Green Hills of Tangsa一文,教师可引导学生对书中插图进行评说来导入新课。

T:Just have a look at the picture.What can you see?

Ss:Two women,some young trees and a lot of big trees on the hills.

T:Can you guess which country they are from?

Ss:Yes. They are Indians.(Judge from their clothes)

T:What are they doing?

Ss:They are planting trees.

T:Why do they plant trees?

Ss:(get the students to have a discussion)

T:You’re right.So they plant trees every year.The hills take a new look.But did they plant trees in the past? When did they realize the importance of planting trees?


T:Please read the passage quickly and find out the answers to these questions.



如在教(高一Unit 10 Lesson 38)The Olympic Games一课,教师可以这样导入:

T:Today,We are going to learn Lesson 38,The Olympic Games.But what are the Olympic Games?

Ss:They are the greatest world sports games.

T:How often are they held?

SS:Every four year.

T:When and where were the 27th Olympic Games held?

SS:They were held in Sydney in 2000.

T:How many gold medals did the Chinese team get in the games?

SS:They got 28 gold medals.

T:When and where were the first Modern Olympic Game held? When did the team from PRO take part in them for the first time? How many medals did the Chinese team get? What’s the Olympic spirit? Please read the text quickly to find the answers.



如(高二Unitl2Lesson46)Escape from the Zoo一文,教师可以这样导入:

T:What’s kept in the zoo?

SS:All kinds of tigers,lions,elephants

T:If a lion escapes from the zoo,what will happen?

S1:It’ll run away.

S2:It’ll hurt the people.

S3:It’ll be killed.

T:Today we’re going to read a story about a lion that escaped from the zoo.Did the lion hurt anybody? Was it killed by somebody? What happened to the lion at last?



如(高一Unit 4 Lesson 13)Travel一课,有位教师是这样导入:

T:Have you heard such a sentence,"Thousands of miles traveling is better than thousands of books reading"?


T:Can you guess what it means?


T:Good! Do you accept such an idea?


T:If you can travel vacation,Where would you like to go?


T:Ok. Today we are going to learn a dialogue between Betty and Jane.Now,listen carefully and find out the answers to these questions:

1. Where is Betty going? How is she going?

2. Where is Jane going? How is she going?



如(高二 Unit10 Lesson 38)At the Tailor’s Shop是根据美国作家马克吐温(Mark Twain)的《百万英镑》(The£1000000 Bank—Note)中一段情节改写而成的,教师可以这样导入:

Do you know about Mark Twain? He is a famous American writer,also an outstanding humorist and satirist.He was born in 1835,and died in 1910.He wrote many works’ during his lifetime,including "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",“Life on the Mississippi",and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". Besides the above- mentioned works,Mark Twain’s short story "The £1000000 Bank- Note" is also well—known.The story" At the Tailor’s Shop",Which we are going to learn today,is extracted from "The £1000000 Bank—Note".It exposed evils in the capital society,in which money is everything.Why do I say so? Read the story,please.



如(高二Unit7 Lesson 26)Canada一课,有位老师是这样导入的:

T:Do you know which country is the largest one in the world?


T:Which country is the second largest one?


T:Which country is the third largest?


T:Right.Have you ever been to Canada?

Ss:No,we haven’t.

T:Do you want to know something about Canada,such as its capital,population,languages,weather,natural resources?


T:Ok.Let’s learn the text Canada,shall we?
