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January Garnet1

Represents loyalty(忠诚) You always stick up for2 your friends even if others put them down3. You're never a fair-weather(只能同安乐的) friend.

Olden (古时的) days myths Garnets, it was believed, held medicinal(药用的) value and protected against poisons, wounds, and even bad dreams!

Rock-solid factsOne place people can find these gems4 is in streams where rock has worn away5, exposing garnets. Before they're polished (擦光,擦亮), garnets look like small pebbles (卵石). They come in shades(色度) of red, black, and green. Some are even colorless. Green garnets, the rarest, are highly prized.

February Amethyst6

Represents sincerity (诚实,忠实) What you say to your family and friends is always genuine7 and honest. You're never two-faced(两面派的,圆滑虚伪的).

Olden days mythsAmethysts were believed to have good powers. They helped people who had the gems stay awake and think clearly, protected against witchcraft(巫术,魔法), and brought victory in battle!

Rock-solid facts Amethysts are foundin geodes(晶洞,晶球), which look like ugly rocks on the outside. Cracked(裂开) open, a geode reveals sparkling raw amethyst crystals that range8 in color from light mauve (淡紫色) to deep purple. Amethysts are purple quartz(石英), a common mineral. (To be continued)


代表忠诚 你总是支持你的朋友,即使别人贬低他们你也毫不动摇。你绝对不是一个不能共患难的朋友。

古老传说 人们相信石榴石具有医疗价值,能防止中毒、受伤,甚至做噩梦!

可靠事实 能够找到这种宝石的地方是那些石子已经被磨损后的小溪里,那儿会有石榴石露出来。在抛光打磨以前,石榴石看上去像小卵石。它们的颜色包括红色、黑色和绿色。有些甚至无色。绿色石榴石最为稀少,价值不菲。



古老传说 人们相信紫水晶有很大的威力。它们能使拥有这种宝石的人保持清醒的头脑,并且思维清晰,以避免受到巫术的蛊惑,还能给战争带来胜利!

可靠事实 紫水晶是在晶球中发现的,最初从外表上看像丑陋的石块。剥裂开以后,晶球中露出了亮闪闪的原生紫水晶体,其颜色从浅紫色到深紫色不等。紫水晶就是一种叫紫石英的普通矿石。


1.garnet n.石榴石

2.stick up for[口] 支持,维护,为…辩护

3.putdown 不赞成,批评

4.gem n.(尤指经加工作装饰品的)宝石

5.wear away磨损,磨薄

6.amethyst n.紫(水)晶

7.genuine a.真诚的,真心的

8.range vi.(在一定幅度或范围内)变动,变化