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叶氏子孙遍及海内外,希望名流学者见到此文后,惠赐丹青墨宝, 以便纪念馆珍藏扩容。

(本文摄影 叶伟东)

Memorial in Honor of Scholar

By Zhang Yi

The Ye family in Rui’an in southern Zhejiang Province has every reason to build a memorial to honor Ye Shi, their common ancestor in the 12th century. Ye Shi, born in 1150, is not just an ancestor. He was an educator, literary master, high-ranking government official and thinker. He was also a representative figure of the Yongjia School, a group of pioneering academicians who put forward pro-business thoughts in the spirit of down-to-earth pragmatism more than 800 years ago. This might sound nothing to write home about, but it was somehow quite rare in the feudal China where business was belittled for thousands of years. Today, many theorists attribute Ye and his colleagues’ nine-century-old thought as the most important ideological input to the province’s miraculously flourishing private business sector in the last twenty years.

The Ye family is not just an ordinary family in Rui’an. If Ye Shi is counted as the patriarch, his descendents in Rui’an are of the 26th generation. Today the family has more than 10,000 people and half of them live in a number of villages between the Luo River and Shencheng Town, one of the province’s top towns with a prosperous local economy.

In 2001, the China Academy of Social Sciences and other organizations held an international forum in Wenzhou in commemoration of the 850th anniversary of Ye Shi and the Yongjia School. Over 100 scholars from home and abroad attended the forum and discussed Ye’s theories and his influence on today’s Wenzhou Mode which has made significant and exemplary contribution to the economic development in the nation’s modernization drive during the last two decades. After the event, Guangming Daily, a national newspaper that focuses on science, culture and education, published the select works of Ye and Yongjia School. On another occasion, Ye was selected as one of the top ten historical celebrities of Wenzhou origin.

The Ye family was happy after learning the good news about their ancestor. Ye Fuzhong, a local business owner, proposed to have a memorial built in the honor of the patriarch and donated 80,000 yuan. His proposal received warm responses within the large family in the village of Luochuan, where the Ye family is a leading clan and a leading force in the economic takeoff of Shencheng Town. Donations flooded in and soon amounted to over 2 million. The construction work kicked off on June 10, 2001 and the roof was sealed on December 19, 2001. During the period, villagers including children and elderly people worked voluntarily for the project. People from neighboring villages also came over to help.

In July 2003, the six-story 980-square-meter Ye Shi Memorial was open to public.

The memorial is not an ancestral temple. There is no altar for memorial ceremonies. The memorial is not designed to focus on the official titles and academic honors Ye Shi had more than 800 years ago. It focuses on his cultural heritage and promotes development of science and concept of harmony. Over 300 paintings and illustrations and other exhibits are totally devoted to Ye Shi’s patriotism, his fight against the northern invaders, his life achievements in disseminating knowledge, pursuing truth, adopting measures to help people, etc.

Part of the ground floor is rented out to business and the rental income is used as the administrative fund. The memorial charges no fees for visiting. Since the opening up to public, 45,000 residents and school students have visited the memorial. The memorial also provides free services to all the villagers who can visit it during daytime. Actually it is like a public center accessed by all the villagers. In 2004, Ye Fuzhong and Ye Weidong raised 30,000 yuan to set up a newspaper gallery outside the memorial, providing an information space for villagers and immigrant workers. The memorial subscribes to many newspapers and magazines for readers. Ye Weidong, a business owner, raised money and set up a website on Ye Shi for netizens to visit. The website not only exhibits Ye Shi’s life but also inputs latest research results on the scholar and his thoughts.

Ye Fuzhong raised 100,000 yuan and had three books on Ye Shi and Yongjia School reprinted and distributed the reprinted copies free of charge to libraries, government archives, and middle schools across Wenzhou.

The descendents of Ye Shi have practiced the ideas of their patriarch so successfully for the first time in the history. Now with the memorial built, they are striving to keep the ancestor’s ideas alive and carry them on to the future.

(Translated by David)