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一、 可数名词可与不定冠词a/an连用,有复数形式;不可数名词不能与不定冠词a/an连用,没有复数形式。例如:

This is a book. 这是一本书。

These houses were built ten years ago. 这些房子是十年前建的。

Water is very important to life. 水对生命来说十分重要。

二、 可数名词复数前面可以有many, a few, few等修饰语,如many students; 不可数名词前面可以有much, a little等修饰语,如much bread, a little tea。

可数名词与不可数名词都可以被some, any, a lot of (= lots of)等修饰,如some pens, some water; a lot of pears, a lot of milk。

三、 可数名词前面通常可用基数词加以修饰,如three teachers, twenty girls; 不可数名词数量的多少,必须用“不定冠词/基数词 + 量词 + of + 不可数名词”表示,如a cup of coffee; three glasses of beer。

四、 可数名词单数作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式。例如:

There is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书。

Take care! A car is coming. 小心,一辆汽车过来了!


There are twenty students in our class. 我们班有20个学生。

Generally boys are bolder than girls. 一般说来,男孩比女孩胆子大。


Two years has passed since we parted in Beijing. 我们北京一别,两年已经过去了。

不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式。若不可数名词前面有“复数量词 + of”构成的修饰语,则谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如:

There is some money in the purse. 钱包里有一些钱。

There are two glasses of milk on the table. 桌子上有两杯牛奶。


1. chicken用作可数名词时意为“(小)鸡”;用作不可数名词时意为“鸡肉”。例如:

There are so many chickens on the farm. 农场里有许多小鸡!

Help yourself to some chicken. 请吃些鸡肉。

2. orange用作可数名词时意为“橘子,橙子”;用作不可数名词时意为“橘汁”。例如:

He bought many oranges yesterday. 他昨天买了很多橘子。

Would you like another cup of orange? 你想再喝一杯橘汁吗?

3. hair用作可数名词时指“一根根头发”;用作不可数名词时指“毛发”,也可通指“头发”。例如:

My mother has some white hairs in her head. 我母亲头上有几根白发。

The cat has a fine coat of hair. 这只猫长着一身好毛。

4. work用作可数名词时意为“著作、作品、成果”;用作不可数名词时意为“工作”。例如:

That’s a work of art. 那是一件艺术品。

I have a lot of work to do today. 今天我有许多工作要做。

5. exercise用作可数名词时意为“练习、作业、体操”;用作不可数名词时意为“运动、(体育)锻炼”。例如:

Doing morning exercises is good for you. 做早操对你有好处。

If you want to be thinner, you must take much exercise. 如果你想瘦一点,就必须多运动。

6. time用作可数名词时意为“次数,倍数”;用作不可数名词时意为“时间”。例如:

Please take this medicine three times a day. 这种药一天吃三次。

Let’s hurry. There’s little time left. 咱们快点,没有多少时间了。

7. glass用作可数名词时意为“玻璃杯”;用作不可数名词时意为“玻璃”。例如:

There are two glasses of milk on the table. 桌上有两杯牛奶。

Glass breaks easily. 玻璃很容易碎。