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【典型试题】John plays football _________if not better than,David.

A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as

【简析】由于题干中插入了“if not better than”,从而影响了考生对句子整体结构的辨识。如果去掉插入语,原题变为“John plays football _________ ,David.”,难度自然降低。很显然,这是一个最基本的考查副词原级比较的问题,考生可顺利选出正确选项B。

【典型试题】The days we look forward to _________ at last.

A. comes B. to come C. came D. coming

【简析】本题很容易被误认为介词to的后面要接动名词(即动词-ing的形式)。实际上we look forward to是一个定语从句,介词to有其相应的宾语(被省略的that)。如果将这个从句去掉,就可以看出本题缺少一个谓语。故C项正确。




【典型试题】―How long has this bookshop been in business?

― _________ 1982.

A. AfterB. InC. SinceD. From

【简析】将答语部分改为一个完整的句子:This bookshop has been in business _________ 1982. 在所给的选项中只有since能同现在完成时连用,故C项正确。

【典型试题】―Write to me when you get home.

― _________.

A. I must? B. I should C. I will D. I can

【简析】祈使句通常指未来的动作,其答语一般要用将来时。该句用了简略答语形式,把其补全应为:I will write to you when I get home.故C项正确。




【典型试题】―Do you remember _________ he came?

―Yes. He came by car.

A. whenB. whyC. ifD. how

【简析】这道题目的关键信息是he came by car,由此可推断,问题是“他怎么来的”,故选D项。如果匆忙作答或忽略 “He came by car.”这一关键信息句,就可能误选A项或B项。

【典型试题】Shirley _________ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

A. has writtenB. wroteC. had writtenD. was writing

【简析】考生容易受last year的误导,而错选B项。实际上这道题目的关键信息是后面的“but I don’t know whether she has finished it”,故正确答案为D项。

【应试策略】 要耐心读完题干和选项,找到制约试题的关键信息。



【典型试题】―Is _________ here?

―No,Simon and Daniel have asked for leave.

A. anybodyB. somebodyC. everybodyD. nobody

【简析】有些考生只死记语法规则,一看该题是个疑问句,不看答语,便选了anybody,并认为这题太简单了。实际上这是课堂上或其他一些场合中经常用到的交际用语,意思是“大家都到齐了吗?” 同学们在解题时一定要清楚:语法规则必须融入到语言情景之中,使其达到交际的目的,决不能孤立地使用。故正确答案应该是C项。

【典型试题】I agree with most of what you said,but I don’t agree with .

A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing

【简析】前半部分I agree with most of what you said已经把这句话的意思表达清楚了,所以后半部分应是一个部分否定句型,故选A项。如果不注意这一语境的特殊性,由于思维定势的作用,就可能误选B项。




【典型试题】―I think you should phone Millie and say sorry to her.

―_________. It was her fault.

A. No wayB. Not possibleC. No chanceD. Not at all

【简析】考生做此题时容易误选B项。其实该选项明显带有汉语的痕迹,英语表示“不可能”常用impossible。此题的语境要求表示“决不”,这从后加限制信息句(It was her fault.)可以看出,按照英语的习惯表达只能选择A项。

【典型试题】―What about having a drink?


A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. Go ahead,please D. Me,too

【简析】作为征求对方意见的口气:喝一杯好吗?回答应该是 “Good idea”。受汉语的影响,考生易误选B、C两项。




【典型试题】The number of people invited _________ fifty,but a number of

themabsent for different reasons.

A. were;wasB. was;wasC. was;wereD. were;were

【简析】本题考查两个相似的短语a number of和the number of。the number of people在句中作主语,指被邀请人的数量,后面的谓语要用单数形式;a number of them意为many of them,故后面的谓语用复数形式。所以C项正确。

【典型试题】―The light in the office is still on.

―Oh,I forgot_________.

A. turning it offB. turn it offC. to turn it offD. having turned it off

【简析】该题的考查目标是通过语境来辨析forget to do sth.和forget doing sth.在意义上的区别。只要记清forget to do sth.的意思是“忘记做某事(该事还没有做)”,而forget doing sth.则是“忘记曾经做过某事”,再根据句中提供的情景“办公室还亮着灯”,便可判断出C为正确答案。




【典型试题】Whom would you rather have _________ with you?

A. to go B. go C. gone D. going

【简析】如将本题题干改成:Would you rather have whom with you? 这样我们一眼就可以看出答案为B。测试的知识点是使役动词have的宾语补足语用动词原形表示“将要”。由于倒装句的使用,句子的结构变得陌生,对于这类题,可将题干还原成一个陈述句。

【典型试题】A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _________ in the kitchen.

A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked

【简析】将题干改写为主动句,则为“A cook will be immediately fired if the boss finds himin the kitchen.”很容易看出考查的知识点是find sb. doing sth.故 B项正确。




【典型试题】She looks forward every spring to _________ the flower-lined garden.

A. visitB. pay a visitC. walk inD. walking in

【简析】本题考查固定搭配look forward to,其中to是介词,后面要用名词、动名词。命题者在这一短语中加入every spring,把这一固定搭配分开了,但只要考生能根据中心词look forward联想起整个短语look forward to,便可迅速选出正确答案D项。







单项选择 (从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。)

1. ―I’ve got a little _________ in my house.

―Why not keep two or more?

A. juice B. mice C. bread D. fish

2. ―Please give me a_________ when you arrive.

―OK. I’ll tell you everything as soon as I get there.

A. ring B. hand C. ride D. present

3. ―Put _________ waste bag into the dustbin,please.

―It’s not _________ waste bag. It’s my shopping bag.

A. a;theB. the;a C. /;a D. /;the

4._________ umbrella is _________ useful tool in raining days.

A. A;aB. An;a C. The;/D. A;an

5. ―You are always full of _________. Can you tell me the secret?

―Doing enough morning exercises every day.

A. powerB. influenceC. energy D. force

6. ―Shall we go out for a walk?

―Sorry. This is not the right _________ to invite me. I am too tired to walk.

A. moment B. place C. chanceD. space

7. ―How about _________ English evening party?

―I should say it was great success.

A. a;aB. the;a C. a;/ D. the;/

8. ―If you can’t decide which of the two books to borrow,why not take _________?

―That’s a good idea.

A. eitherB. bothC. allD. any

9. ―Three days’ time has been wasted!

―I can’t believe we did all that work for _________ .

A. everythingB. nothingC. anythingD. something

10. To know more about China Space Museum,you can use the Internet or go to the library,or _________.

A. neither B. someC. all D. both

11. “Some of the stickers belong to me,while the rest are _________,” the boy said.

A. him and herB. his and hers C. his and herD. him and hers

12. ―There used to be lots of fish in the river near our school.

―Yes,but there are very _________ now.

A. lessB. littleC. fewD. fewer

13. It’s reported that the heavy snow have left about _________ people homeless in Hebei Province.

A. two thousandB. two-thousandsC. two thousands D. two thousands of

14. “You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder,_________ you won’t past the course,” the teacher said to the boy student.

A. andB. soC. orD. but

15. Mr Wang went to Shanghai _________ November,and come back home

the morning of December 2.

A. in;inB. in;onC. on;atD. by;from

16. ―How long have you been like this,young man?

―_________ July 3rd,Monday.

A. FromB. Since C. AfterD. Before

17. I’m sorry to have to say this,_________ you forgot to turn off the lights when you left the room last night.

A. andB. so C. becauseD. but

18. “There at the door stands a boy about the same height _________,” Simon said to his best friend.

A. as he B. with meC. as mineD. with mine

19. Daniel is a careful driver,but he drives_________ of my friends.

A. more carefullyB. the most carefully

C. less carefully D. the least carefully

20. The number of audience in the cinema is _________ than we thought. There must be many tickets left.

A. much smaller B. much more C. much largerD. many more

21. Of all the films,I like this one _________. It’s not worth watching at all.

A. most B. bestC. worstD. least

22. ―Look! The boy is running so fast!

―Hard to _________ he is only six years old this year.

A. know B. imagine C. realize D. find

23. I _________ the last bus and didn’t have enough money for taxi,so I had to walk home last night.

A. reached B. missed C. caughtD. lost

24. ―_________ for the glass!

―It’s OK. I’m wearing my boots.

A. Look out B. Walk out C. Go out D. Give out

25. ―Has Peter finished his homework today?

―Sorry,I don’t know. He _________ it this morning.

A. didB.has done C. was doing D. had done

26. ―_________ you _________ them around Yancheng Technology Museum yet?

―Yes. We had a great time there.

A. Have;shown B. Do;showC. Had;shownD. Did;show

27. ―What’s the terrible noise?

―The neighbours _________ for a birthday party.

A. have preparedB. are preparingC. prepareD. will prepare

28. ―Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?

―Yes,I did. You know,Yao Ming,who is one of my heroes,_________ in the match.

A. is playingB. has playedC. was playing D. had played

29. ―Did the book give the information you need?

―Yes. But _________ it,I had to read the whole book.

A. find B. finding C. found D. to find

30.―Excuse me. Is this the right way to Suguo Supermarket?

―Sorry,I am not sure. But it _________ be.

A. will B. mustC. canD. might

31._________ good news! Liu Xiang won a golden medal in the 11th National Games in October,2009.

A. What B. What a C. HowD. How a

32.―Hundreds of people in our country have died because of H1N1 Flu.


A. Sorry to hear that. B. What’s the matter with them?

C. Never mind.D. Are they all right?

33. ―Daniel,feed the bird today,_________ ?

―But I fed it yesterday.

A. don’t youB. didn’t you C. won’t youD. haven’t you

34. It’s said that the _________ boy was last seen _________ near the little river.

A. missing;playing B. missed;playing C. missing;played D. missed;played

35. ―You’ve left the light in your bedroom on.

―Oh,so I have. _________ and turn it off.

A. I’ll go B. I’ve gone C. I goD. I’m going

36. ―Is Peter coming by bus?

―He should,but he _________ not. He likes driving his car.

A. must B. canC. need D. may

37. It’s time for weather report,but I can hardly hear the TV set. Would you please_________?

A. turn it onB. turn it downC. turn it up D. turn it off

38. ―Are you still busy,Millie?

―Yes,I _________ my work,and it won’t take long.

A. just finish B. am just finishing

C. have just finishedD. am just going to finish

39.―I hear Kate has gone to the Hainan Island for her holiday.

―Oh,how nice. Do you know when she _________?

A. was leaving B. had leftC. has left D. left

40.―What would you do if it _________ tomorrow?

―We have to carry it on,since we’ve got everything ready.

A. rainB. rains C. will rainD. is raining


1―5 D A B B C6―10 A B B B D11―15 B C A C B16―20 B D C D A21―25 D B B A C26―30 A B C D D31―35 A A C A A36―40 D C D D B