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南澳旅趣 第6期

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Sightseeing in South Australia

We have visited our relatives in Melbourne several times in the past few years. On each tour we did some sightseeing there. This time, we went to Adelaide.

We toured Kangaroo Island first. But our purpose there was not to see kangaroos but sea lions. We went directly to a sea lion habitat. The expansive sea was azure blue. Waves hit the cape and white foams splashed high into the sky. Suddenly we spotted more than 100 sea lions on a 1-km-long beach. Some were sleeping, some were feeding cubs, and many were playing. They looked bulky and slow, and very winsome. As many tourists come to see them, these sea lions are accustomed to human curiosity. We were told that the sea lions lead a regular life there. They hunt for food in the sea for three days and then take a rest for three days on the beach.

Another memorable delight was our visit to Victor Harbor. After lunch, we lounged on a seaside lawn. A large group of sea gulls appeared and approached us for food. The green lawn was strewn with white birds. It was a beautiful sight. We fed them with bread crumbs. The sea gulls were busy trying to grab the crumbs on the lawn. Then somebody tossed some crumbs high and the birds flapped their wings and sailed into the sky to catch the crumb. They never missed the catch of the goodies. They creaked and squeaked. We took pictures of the lovely scene. We then took a boat trip from the harbor to see fish in the sea. The fish-viewing platform was a pontoon-like structure floating on the sea and fastened there. The large platform could allow hundreds of people to view fish there. The keeper put the bait into the sea. Sharks and salmons came up to grab the food. It was blissful to watch them. The keeper also allowed us to touch a baby shark kept in a small pond on the platform. We were excited. We had never touched a shark before.

When we were in Barossa Valley, we saw a large reservoir. The unique thing about the dam was it functioned as a whispering wall. The curved dam wall could deliver a whispered message for hundreds of meters at the other side without losing its sound quality. The voice could be heard more clearly than on a phone. We all tried this novel thing out. We made a record of what we whispered.

One day the guide told us that we would visit a foreign country without leaving Australia. One of our fellow tourists immediately hit upon the answer: Germany Pioneer Village in the hills of Adelaide. In the 1830s some German immigrants arrived there and built the village. We saw houses in the European architectural style. The houses were decorated with German ornaments and flowers. In front of cafẽs or outdoor bars stood high and sturdy chairs with leather cushions or heavy wooden tables and chairs. Shops sold German-styled souvenirs. In a courtyard we saw a country horse-drawn cart where tourists could take pictures. There was a large board painted with a cart, a driver and a village girl. Tourists could put their head through a hole to appear as the driver. We all tried this and took pictures and laughed like a child.

(Translated by David)