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[摘要] 目的 分析松针和佛手挥发油化学成分差异,阐明松针对佛手鲜果的保鲜机制。 方法 采用水蒸汽蒸馏法提取松针和佛手挥发油,通过气相色谱-质谱技术对挥发油成分进行测定分析,结果用计算机检索NIST05数据库并结合文献分析。 结果 佛手挥发油共分离出56个色谱峰,含量和相似度较高的成分有19种,主要为单萜化合物及其含氧衍生物;松针挥发油共分离出46个色谱峰,含量和相似度较高的成分有20种,其成分类型较为复杂,主要有单萜、倍半萜、脂肪醇和脂肪酸等成分。 结论 松针挥发油中含有佛手挥发油中所没有的倍半萜和脂肪醇成分,可以在一定程度上解释松针对佛手鲜果的保鲜机制。

[关键词] 松针;佛手;挥发油;气相色谱-质谱联用;保鲜

[中图分类号] R282.6 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)02(c)-0090-03

Comparison and analysis of chemical constituents in volatile oils from pine needles and bergamot by gc-ms

CHEN Fei1 WU Yongjiang2 MA Li2 WANG Jianmei1

1.Department of Pharmacy, Jinhua College of Profession and Technology, Zhejiang Province, Jinhua 321007, China; 2.Institute of Modern Chinese Medicine, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310058, China

[Abstract] Objective To compare the chemical constituents in volatile oils from pine needles and bergamot and explore the theoretical bases of bergamot preservation by pine needles. Methods The steam distillation extraction was applied to extract volatile oils and the chemical constituents in the volatile oils were analyzed by GC-MS. The results were obtained with NIST05 MS database of computer and literatures. Results 19 components were identified among 56 peaks from bergamot volatile oils , and the main components were monoterpene category and containing oxygen derivatives. 20 components were identified among 46 peaks from pine needles volatile oils, and the chemical constituents were complex that the main components were monoterpene, sesquiterpene, fatty alcohol, fatty acid and so on. Conclusion Pine needles volatile oils contain sesquiterpenes and fatty alcohols that don′t identified in bergamot volatile oils. These constituents from pine needles may prevent bergamot from decay.

[Key words] Pine needles; Bergamot; Volatile oil; GC-MS; Preservation

松针(pine needles)是松科(Pinaceae)松属(Pinus)植物的叶,是民间广为流传的果蔬保鲜材料。佛手(bergamot),学名Citrus medica L.var,Sarcodactylis(Noot)Swingle,为芸香科柑桔属佛手的果实,有着悠久的药用历史,其性味辛、苦、酸、温,具有芳香理气、健胃止呕、化痰止咳等功效,用于消化不良、舌苔厚腻、胸闷气胀、呕吐咳嗽以及神经性胃痛等[1-3]。为了延长佛手鲜果贮存时间以便开发佛手药食两用的深加工产品,课题组成员曾模拟民间松针保鲜方法,采用新鲜雪松(cedrus deodara)松针对佛手鲜果进行隔层保鲜,并采用烂果率、失重率和新鲜度三个指标来综合考察,结果试验组跟对照组相比有明显差异。为了从理论基础上阐明松针对佛手鲜果的保鲜机制,课题组采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用技术对新鲜雪松松针和佛手鲜果中的芳香精油成分进行了分析和比较。报道如下:

1 仪器与材料

气质联用仪(Agilent 6890N/5973型,美国安捷伦科技有限公司);1004型电子天平(上海天平仪器厂);电热套(北京永光明医疗仪器厂)。雪松松针采自金华职业技术学院试验基地,佛手由金华市建文佛手专业合作社提供并经吴永江教授鉴定为芸香科植物佛手的干燥果实。无水Na2SO4(安徽众兴盐化科技有限公司,批号:20090725)。

2 方法与结果