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The scream is pure Hollywood fear, terror, sudden

death. You know, that soldier getting crashed in the old horror movie then sounds an awful[非常的] lot like Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story, and come to think of it, just like this scream in Batman Returns. That is what’s known as the Wilheim Scream.

Richard Anderson (Sound Editor): The…the scream’s

just got to be an inside joke. It was just so over the top and funny.

One sound editor made it his signature in every Star Wars movie and every one of the Indiana Jones series.

The Wilheim Scream is named after a cowboy shot with an arrow[箭] in a 1953 western The Charge at Feather

River. The editors apparently liked it a lot. But the scream was originally recorded for the 1951 film Distant Drums in which a cowboy is bitten by an alligator[短吻鳄].

The original audio still exists.

Anderson: The man getting bitten by an alligator and he screams.

And so, a scream was born, a scream that can fit the lips of any character.

Anderson: See now, this is how Wilheim becomes a

dinosaur[恐龙], or it could become a Munchkin注.

Some people believe the screamer was the late voice artist and singer named Sheb Wooley, better known for this (plays Wooley’s song). Little might he have suspected that the Wilheim might last longer, from A Star Is Born to Lord of the Rings. It’s enough to make you wanna...










注:《绿野仙踪》(The Wizard of Oz)里的小矮人种族