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3月26日 星期日 睛

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March 26th, 2001.

Sunday, fine

On Wednesday, we learned the text the Life of Mr. Wu Liu written by Tao Yuanming. In fact, Mr. Wu Liu is the self-portrait of Tao Yuanming. Mr. Wu Liu is an ordinary person. He is poor, but he doesn't betray his conscience for money; he is not strong, but he doesn't give in even in front of violence. So, he is really an excellent person. However, not many people in modern society admire him even though he has such good qualities. Because the society and people's goals are changing, Mr. Wu Liu's excellent virtues are not suitable any more.

Personally, everyone should do something extraordinary and have an exciting life nowadays. Mr. Wu Liu led an anchoretic life in his day. But only in his day could he lead such kind of life. Nowadays, great changes have taken place all over the world. As technology and economy develop rapidly, the society becomes more and more competitive. As a result, the world becomes smaller and smaller and finally it becomes a global village. In this modem society, if there is such a person as Mr. Wu Liu, he must be a loser. In a word, differentperiodof timeneedsdifferent qualities and ways of thinking.

Life is like a stage, and everyone is the performer on it. Everyone's task is to try to give a good-quality performance. In other words, we should make ourselves happy and make our life meaningful. Nowadays, competition is everywhere. My parents told me, "If you want to survive in this competitive society, you must study hard." I don' t think so. Studying is just a part of life and it's not enough.What's more important is to experience life in the real world. Of course, we can't escape from this competitive society, so what we can do is to study hard and to compete with others. Even monks and nuns should be prepared to compete nowadays. Otherwise, they can' t attract more believers and donations.

2001年3月26日 星期日


