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游戏是儿童的天性。在游戏中获取知识是小学生喜闻乐见的学习方式。游戏也是模拟实际活动的有效辅助手段,是实现多样化、趣味性以及提高课堂教学质量的途径。因此教师在词汇教学过程中也要恰当好处的设计一些游戏。如:大小声,找朋友,单次接龙,猜测,等等。通过把游戏搬进课堂, 不仅拉近了师生间的距离, 而且能使学生整个身心处于积极主动的学习状态。

Doing games is an important experience in the acquisition process. Games can take many forms and there are many different sorts of elements which make up a game activity . In a Natural Approach classroom ,the primary focus of any particular game is on words, discussion, action, contest, problem-solving , and guess. And most games exhibit a combination of these elements.

Role play and simulation activities are often thought to be one of the most effective ways of integrating language skills in the language classroom. Role play activities involve the learner in“role assumption”,in other words, the learner takes on a different role(and perhaps identity)from his normal one by“playing the part” of a different person. Simulation work, on the other hand, usually requires the learners to take part in communication which involves personal experience and emotions, because of this, simulation is often seen as being central to English for Specific Purpose(ESP)situations where the task(s)to be worked upon can be directly related to the learners'actual or intended occupation. Both types of activities clearly have their place in the classroom as they offer a flexible approach to integrating the skills, and actively involve learners at all stages by simulating their creativity and responding to their particular needs and interests.

TPR(Total Physical Response),即“全身反应法”, 是语言学习中的互动模式。如:Listen and do ./ Listen and point. / Listen and draw . 等。这种教学方法好处在于能够一下子就抓住学生的注意力,吸引学生参加活动,让他们在身临其境的实际体验中学习英语。

如在教学科普版小学英语3A Lesson5 Let’smove部分一些表示人体部位的单词时。教师要求学生根据指令作出相应的动作。教学过程如下:

T:You have learned so many words about the parts of your body.Let’s do some interesting.Please stand up. Show me your hand. Close your eyes.,and Then touch your hair.(学生根据老师的指令做出相应的动作。)Very good!Now who wants to be the commander?

S1:Please touch your nose。(其他学生和老师一同做根据S1的指令做出相应的动作。

T:Great!Now let’s do the actions in groups。


跟据年级和学习内容的不同,教师的指令可以做出适当的调整。在小学中,低年级,教师可以设计一些简单的,易于操作的命令:“Touch your mouth”“Point to your ears”“close your eyes”等。到了高年级可以设计一些较为复杂的命令如“Touch your left face with your right hand”“Clap your hands three times”“Stand up and turn around”等。
