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Part 1

Mama Knows Best


Jesse: Hey Mom, can I go to my friend’s birthday party in Brooklyn tomorrow? ①It’s gonna be off the chains!

Mindy: Off the what?

Jesse: You’re so old! I mean it is gonna be awesome, epic even!

Mindy: Oh yeah? Is there going to be anysupervision? Or do I need to

1)chaperone you?

Jesse: Please tell me you’re kidding…There is no way on earth that I’m showing up to a party full of the coolest kids in school with my mom in tow. Are you deliberately trying to destroy my reputation, to make me a 2)pariah among my peers?

Mindy: No, my son. That was not my intention. I just don’t think it’s safe, and I don’t know nearly enough about these friends of yours. Have I met any of their parents before? How are you planning on getting down there?

Jesse: Geez Mom! Why do you have to be so 3)nosy?

Mindy: Because my most important job is keeping you safe for as long as I can. ②And I will go to great lengths to protect you from whatever life throws at you.

Jesse: Fine. Whatever. I don’t know most of the kids there, but there are gonna be adults there so you don’t have to worry.

Mindy: That’s good. ③So all I need is the phone number for one of these supervising adults, so I can call and make sure everything is on the up and up.

Jesse: Ummm…I would give it to you, but I don’t have it on me right now.

Mindy: ④Well, I need that number before you go anywhere, or else how could I keep tabs on you?

Jesse: Why do you always need to be in constant contact with me? You don’t need to know exactly where I am at every waking moment!

Mindy: On the contrary, I absolutely do need to know exactly where you are at all times, because you are my responsibility, at least until you turn 18. But even after that, I’m never gonna stop worrying about you, wondering where you are and what you’re doing. You are my only child.⑤And if I had my way, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight, not even for a second.

Jesse: But I’m not a little kid anymore. I’m a young man, and pretty soon I’m gonna be out the door and off to college.

Mindy: Don’t remind me. I can already feel that 4)empty-nest syndrome coming on.

Jesse: You need to get over it, and not be so 5)suffocating and 6)overbearing. ⑥It’s really taking a toll on me, not being able to branch out and 7)assert my independence.

Mindy: ⑦You’ll have plenty of opportunities down the line to do your own thing, but for now you’re all mine. I own you, my boy…

Jesse: This sucks. I hate my life!

Mindy: You think life sucks now? Just wait till you grow up.

Smart Sentences

① It’s gonna be off the chains! 这一定会很牛!

off the chains: a great deal of fun, wild, crazy(非常好玩,疯狂)。例如:

Our graduation party at Disney World will definitely be off the chains.


② And I will go to great lengths to protect you from whatever life throws at you. 我要竭尽全力地保护你免遭生活的伤害。

go to great lengths (to do sth.): try very hard to achieve a result(不遗余力, 竭尽全力)。例如:

Both sides have gone to great lengths to reach an agreement.双方为了达成协议,都已竭尽全力。

③ So all I need is the phone number for one of these supervising adults, so I can call and make sure everything is on the up and up. 所以我现在需要的就是其中一位在场家长的电话,这样我就能打电话给他\她,确认一切都是正大光明的。

on the up and up: legitimate; open and aboveboard(正当的,光明正大的)。例如:

Is this deal on the up and up? What’s the catch?


④ Well, I need that number before you go anywhere, or else how could I keep tabs on you? 好吧,在你去任何地方之前,我需要那个电话号码,不然我怎么能监护你呢?

keep tabs on sb.: watch a person carefully in order to know what he/she is doing(密切关注某人)。例如:The police will keep tabs on him during his probation.在他假释期间,警察会密切注意他的动向。

⑤ And if I had my way, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight, not even for a second. 如果依我的话,我不会让你离开我的视线,甚者一秒也不会。

if I had my way: used to introduce a hypothetical statement(用以引入假设陈述)。例如:

If I had my way, this whole mess would never have happened.


⑥ It’s really taking a toll on me, not being able to branch out and assert my independence. 这真的很困扰我,不能让我走得更远,宣示自己的独立。

take a toll (on sb. or sth.): cause damage or loss to sb. or sth.(造成某人或某物的损失)。例如:

Wars always take a toll on children.


branch out: strike off in a new direction(向新方向发展)。例如:

Brenda doesn’t want to concentrate on just one field; she wants to branch out more.


⑦ You’ll have plenty of opportunities down the line to do your own thing, but for now you’re all mine. 你以后会有许多机会等着你去做你自己的事情,但是现在你是我的。

Part 2

No Time for Family


David: Mom! Long time no speak. ①How are things?

Kitty: Things are good. I just had new carpets put in. ②Since you’re finally coming home to spend the holidays here, I wanted everything around the house to be in tip-top shape.

David: Um, Yeah. That reminds me…I needed to talk to you about something.

Kitty: ③Oh no, don’t you dare try to weasel your way out of visiting this year!

David: I’m not weaseling out of anything. Something came up. It’s completely out of my control. Money is tight right now, and they’re asking me to work a bunch of overtime shifts this holiday.

Kitty: That is no excuse! You haven’t seen your family in ages.

David: Like I said, it’s beyond the 1)scope of my control.

Kitty: ④Hogwash! You have control enough to tell them no.

No one is forcing you to work.

David: They are not outright forcing me to work, no. But they are 2)leveraging me to do so, while dropping hints and 3)veiled threats that if I don’t work this holiday, they’ll find someone who can work this and every holiday hereafter.

Kitty: That’s great! If they can find someone to work holidays for you, then you can come home more often and spend time with your lonely mother.

David: No, You don’t get it. If they replace me for the holidays, what’s to stop them from replacing me altogether with their new “holiday guy”?

Kitty: I don’t think you understand exactly how much you are missed around here, and how much it would mean to me to see you this thanksgiving; not to mention your uncles and aunts and cousins. They’re always talking about you and asking if you’re gonna actually show up this time.

David: Well, I can’t tell you what to tell them, but I’m working my butt off to make a life for myself, and if you all don’t understand that, then I can do it all on my own. I don’t need your approval or support.

Kitty: How could I have raised such a selfish son? Are you 4)oblivious to the fact that I need you here? You are needed way more here than at your job. There you’re just an employee, but here you are the missing piece that makes this family a whole.

David: ⑤I’m not coming, and that’s that…Is there anything else you wanna make me feel guilty about? Perhaps something else I’m doing wrong or something else that’s indirectly my fault?

Kitty: Don’t 5)patronize me. Everything I have ever done was in your best interest. You may not see it now, or tomorrow, but one day you will. And you, my son, will feel sorry for the way you treated your poor mother. I hope you have a Happy thanksgiving Davey…Good night.

David: Good night Mom. I’ll call you, OK?

Kitty: OK, if I’m still alive then. Maybe I’ll be gone and you’ll have missed your last chance to say goodbye.

David: (sigh) Love you Mom.

Kitty: Love you too.

Smart Sentences

① How are things? 你最近怎样?

How are things?: an informal expression used in greeting(用于非正式问候语)。例如:

―Haven’t heard from you for a while. How are things?


―Not too good. I’ve just recovered from a bad cold.


② Since you’re finally coming home to spend the holidays here, I wanted everything around the house to be in tip-top shape. 因为你终于要回家过节了,我希望家里的每个地方都很棒。

in tip-top shape: in excellent condition(一流的条件,非常良好的情形)。例如:

After a whole week’s work, the car is now in tip-top shape.


③ Oh no, don’t you dare try to weasel your way out of visiting this year! 噢不,你今年敢再想方设法不回家看我试试!

weasel one’s way out (of sth.): back out of a situation or commitment(逃脱,推诿)。例如:

My husband always finds a way to weasel out of the housework.


④ Hogwash! 太荒谬了!

hogwash: worthless, false, or ridiculous speech(废话,错误或荒谬的话)。例如:Oh, that’s hogwash. Nelson can’t possibly marry Susie.


⑤ I’m not coming, and that’s that…我不能回来,没得商量……

that’s that: an expression that shows that sth. has ended, same as “there is no more to be done”(表示某事已经结束的表达,等同于“there is no more to be done”)。例如:

I won’t go to the party if the Smiths will be there. And that’s that.


Part 3

A Lesson of Love


Irene: Here you go my brave boy.①Some 1)matzo ball soup will lift your spirts right up.

Barry: Thanks Mom. I know this soup is like Jewish 2)penicillin, but I think broken bones are beyond its healing powers.

Irene: You never know. Miracles have come to many an unsuspecting


B a r r y : B u t I’m c o m p l e t e l y undeserving of any miracles. After the accident, my girlfriend didn’t even bother to check in on me here at the hospital. I knew we weren’t that serious to begin with, but this proves that she’s not the right girl for me.

Irene: That’s right. ②You need someone who’ll drop everything at a moment’s notice to take care of you and love you 4)unconditionally.

Barry: You mean someone like you?

Irene: Well, I did fly all the way to China to come take care of you.

Barry: I think it’s just because you didn’t trust the doctors here with your only son.

Irene: You’re 5)darn right I don’t... I don’t trust anyone else to take care of you, least of all that 6)flighty girlfriend of yours.

Barry: You mean my ex-girlfriend as of this past week. I told her over the phone, in true 7)avoidant fashion, that I didn’t see us having a future together. Truth is, I never saw a future with her, and seeing how far you were willing to travel for me showed me what love is really about.

Irene: ③All I know is that when your company called to tell me you’d been in a car accident and were going under the knife, I was beside myself with grief.

Barry: I was pretty scared myself. I kept asking the doctor if they needed to 8)amputate, but the language barrier was obviously a 9)stumbling block. Thank god I still have both my hands and feet.

Irene: I was freaking out, and didn’t have any details. I tried calling every hospital in Guangzhou looking for you, but no one spoke any English.④And getting an emergency visa was another whole 10)ordeal in itself.

Barry: I’m pretty lucky to have a mom like you, huh?

Irene: Barry, I pray that one day you know what it’s like to have children, because the day you were born was the happiest day of my life.

Barry: I know, I know. You always say that.

Irene: But what you don’t know is the feeling that your heart is not inside your own body. It’s like whenever we’re apart, it feels like a piece of me is missing; like your 11)umbilical cord is still 12)invisibly connected across twelve time zones.

Barry: Aw…That’s so sweet…a bit disgusting and creepy…but mostly sweet.

Irene: ⑤No matter how hard you push me away, I’m always going to be here to help you up and dust you off whenever life knocks you down.

Barry: I love you so much Mom. And I’m sorry I’ve been so distant since I moved away. ⑥I wanted to prove that I could succeed on my own, without anyone’s help, but I’ve really missed you, and I promise to be more 13)accessible from here on out.

Irene: ⑦I’ll hold you to that.

Smart Sentences

① Some matzo ball soup will lift your spirts right up. 喝点面包球汤能让你心情好起来。

lift sb.’s spirits up: put sb. in a cheerful mood(让某人有愉快的心情)。例如:

I’ve tried everything this morning but couldn’t lift John’s spirits up.上午我什么方法都试过了,但就是无法让约翰的心情好起来。

② You need someone who’ll drop everything at a moment’s notice to take care of you and love you unconditionally. 你需要一个人能够马上抛开一切来照顾你,无条件地爱你。

at a moment’s notice: with very little advance notice(一经通知,随时)。例如:

I had to go on a business trip at a moment’s notice last week.


③ All I know is that when your company called to tell me you’d been in a car accident and were going under the knife, I was beside myself with grief. 我只知道当你的公司打电话告诉我你出了车祸,准备做手术,我伤心极了。

beside oneself: in a state of extreme excitement or agitation(处于异常兴奋或激动状态)。例如:

They were beside themselves when they knew China was to host the 2008 Olympic Games.


④ And getting an emergency visa was another whole ordeal in itself. 而拿到紧急护照的过程又是另一场磨难。

a whole ordeal in itself: a very difficult or unpleasant experience(某事非常不易或令人不快)。例如:

Getting a train ticket to go home for the Spring Festival was difficult enough. Actually going home was another whole ordeal in itself.


⑤ No matter how hard you push me away, I’m always going to be here to help you up and dust you off whenever life knocks you down. 无论你多用力把我推开,每当生活打击你,我总是会在这里帮助你、让你重新振作起来。

dust sb. off: recover from failure or unpleasant experience and move on(振作起来)。例如:

Three months after the bankruptcy, he dusted himself off and started a new business.


⑥ I wanted to prove that I could succeed on my own, without anyone’s help, but I’ve really missed you, and I promise to be more accessible from here on out. 我想证明能够靠自己取得成功,不需要任何人的帮助。但是我真的很想你,我保证从现在起你能随时找到我。

from here on out: from this point forward(从今以后)。例如:From here on out, we won’t used disposable chopsticks again.从今以后,我们不会再用一次性筷子了。

⑦ I’ll hold you to that. 我会监督你。

hold sb. to (a promise): make sb. keep his/her promise(让某人实现诺言)。例如:

We’ll all hold you to your weekly work-out promise.
