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When the 76th Academy Awards nominations were announced3 on January 27, 2004, no one was more surprised than a 13- year-oldgirl in New Zealand. Keisha Castle-Hughes was asleep in herfamily'shome in Auckland when her mom woke her with the news: Keisha had been nominated for the best-actress award for her starring4 role in the 2003 movie Whale Rider. The ninth grader is the youngest nominee ever named in the best-actress category5.

The Academy Awards are presented6 annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Hollywood to honor the year's best movies. The prize, a golden statue7 called the Oscar, is considered by many to be the world's most prestigious8 film award.

"I can't get my head around the fact that it's the Oscars," Keisha said. "It's something ... a Kiwi [New Zealand] girl like myself would never dare dream about."

Keisha was only 11 when she was chosen to play the role of Pai, a Maori girl, in Whale Rider.The Maori are the indigenous9 people of New Zealand. In the movie, Pai defies10 tradition to lead her tribe11. Keisha, who is part Maori herself,had never acted before landing the starring role.

For the best-actress Oscar, Keisha is up against four experienced12 and well-known adults -- Diane Keaton, Charlize Theron, Naomi Watts, and Samantha Morton. Against such competition, Keisha's chances of winning are thought to be slim13. Still, as Academy Awards nominees often say, just being nominated is an honor.


1. Oscar n. 奥斯卡金像(奖)(美国电影艺术科学院颁发的年奖)

2. nominee n. 被提名者,被任命者

3. announce vt. 宣布,宣告

4. star vt. 使成为明星,使担任主角

5. category n. 种类,类别

6. present vt. 授予,赠送

7. statue n. 雕像,塑像

8. prestigious adj. 有威望的,有威信的

9. indigenous adj. 当地的,土生土长的

10. defy vt. (公然)违抗,反抗,蔑视

11. tribe n. 部落,宗族

12. experienced adj. 有经验的,有见识的

13. slim adj. 微薄的,少的,小的

当第76届奥斯卡金像奖的提名于2004 年1月27日宣布时,最感到惊喜的莫过于新西兰的一位13岁小女孩了。凯萨・卡斯特・休伊斯正在奥克兰的家中熟睡之际,妈妈叫醒她并告诉她这个消息:凯萨因在2003年拍摄的电影《骑鲸人》中担任女主角而被提名为奥斯卡最佳女主角参选者。这位刚上9年级的孩子是最佳女主角中迄今为止最小的被提名者。


