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Shan Guimin's Moxibustion for Treatment of Diseases 2

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The book is another new book of shan guimin after her Shan Guimin's moxibustion for treatment of diseases. The book still starts with basic knowledge and introduces methods of moxibustion, and use of tools of moxibustion and massage in detail. From the perspective of essence, Qi and spirit, the three treasures of human body, the book explains how to keep essence, Qi and spirit under good condition and stay healthy all the time through green treatment methods. Doctor Shan Guimin has provided all kinds of disease treatment methods of which importance degree is different. Apart from moxibustion, the book also introduces scraping therapy, massage, sports, food therapy and other feasible method that can be applied at home, which is consistent with the saying “one disease can be treated by various methods”. In this way, you can realize your desire of health care, body building and disease dispelling at home.

Review on Shan Guimin's Moxibustion for Treatment of Diseases 2:

If people want to stay healthy, they shall get to know conditions of their bodies, learn how to recuperate their own bodies, and apply methods that do not do harm to bodies to treat their diseases. Healthy body belongs not only to a person but also surrounding relative, friend, family and society. Paying attention to health should become the responsibility of each person.

In traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion is a method handed down from ancient China and it is used for disease treatment and health preservation. Using moxibustion to prevent diseases and prolong life has a long history in China. Moxibustion has the functions of warming Yang for nourishing Qi, cold dispelling and pain relief, invigorating Qi for relieving desertion, warming and activating meridian, removing blood stasis and resolving static blood, and invigorating spleen-stomach and replenishing Qi. As a green therapy with a long history, moxibustion owns powerful advantages, for example, easy operating, low cost, safety, no toxicity and side effect, wide scope of application, disease treatment and body building. Thus, it is a healthy method that is applicable to ordinary families. With the popularization of knowledge on health preservation and health care, moxibustion gradually draws attention from people. It is the first time for me to try moxibustion and Shan Guimin's Moxibustion for Treatment of Diseases 2 is really an excellent book that helps me learn and understand moxibustion.

Using moxibustion to treat diseases has always been a philosophy promoted by Doctor Shan Guimin who has worked as a doctor for more than 40 years and has been a firm support and enthusiastic promoter for moxibustion therapy.

As a beginner, I am afraid that I would fail to master moxibustion methods, for I have no basic medical knowledge. Fortunately, the book clears away my doubt. The book starts with basic knowledge, introduces moxibustion methods in detail, and explains how to nourish body and stay healthy through moxibustion from the perspective of essence, Qi and spirit. The book provides all kinds of disease treatment methods of which importance degree is different. Apart from moxibustion, the book also introduces scraping therapy, massage, sports, food therapy and other feasible method that can be applied at home, which is consistent with the saying “one disease can be treated by various methods”. Besides, in order to facilitate moxibustion therapy, the book also mentions all kinds of moxibustion tools, application methods of which are explained in detail so that one can easily understand.

Lacking basic medical knowledge, most people confuse about acupuncture point so that they are afraid to select acupuncture point. The book will clear way those worries, for it is provided with Diagram on Simple Selection of Common Acupuncture Point, contents of which cover simple methods for selection of acupuncture point, diagram on acupuncture points for all parts of body and experiential finger measurement method. Besides, one can do more exercise by following Standard Wall Chart for Meridian Points of Body. After a short period of time, one can accurately select acupuncture points just like a doctor.

The book gives me a lot of knowledge about moxibustion, from which I get to know advantages of the green therapy. I also benefit from the author’s understanding towards moxibustion. I hope that the book can be read by more and more people so that public health can be well maintained.

Most people think that acupuncture and moxibustion is a therapy, which is not true. Acupuncture therapy applies needles to stimulate acupuncture point for the purpose of disease treatment, which only generates physical effect. The character “灸”(moxibustion) is made up of two characters “久” ( long term) and “火”(fire), which indicates that moxibustion is a method in which a long-term fire moxibustion is used for treatment of diseases. In other words, moxibustion method generates combined effect of medicine and physics. “When acupuncture therapy does not work, moxibustion therapy can be applied” is the difference between acupuncture therapy and moxibustion therapy.

The significance of moxibustion lies in not only disease treatment but also health preservation and disease prevention. When there is no disease, moxibustion can be used to improve immunity. People should not think of moxibustion at the time when they get sick. Most people, especially office workers, pay less attention to rest and dietary in their daily life and have great pressure. In this way, their bodies operate under a long-term overload. Although they seldom suffer from any major disease, their bodies are always under sub-health condition. Therefore, when having a rest, we can apply moxibustion therapy to make our bodies healthier so that we can get rid of sub-health condition and lay a solid foundation for our future work and life. There is an old saying that “the body is the revolutionary qualification”.

With improvement of living level, most people pay more attention to health. However, modern people are suffering from heavier life pressure and their pace of life is faster. Living environment gets worse, which become the main factor that affects health of people. Doctor Shan Guimin uses simple words to teach people some methods of therapy and maintenance, which are simple, convenient, and low-cost. In this way, you can realize your desire of health care, body building and disease dispelling at home. The book makes more people understand how to take good care of their health. As a doctor of national Chinese medicine, Shan Guimin, who is temperate, kind-hearted, gentle and kind, shows people the essence of health preservation.