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一、 imagine vt. 想,设想;想像;料想,猜想;误认为



1. imagine sth.如:

I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind.


2. imagine sb. +n. 如:

I once imagined him a thin tall man.?摇我曾以为他是个高高的瘦瘦的人。

3. imagine?摇sb/sth. (to be)... 例如:

The boy imagined himself (to be)a pilot. 那男孩子喜欢想象自己是一个飞行员。

4.?摇imagine doing sth. 如:

Can you imagine Tom cooking the dinner himself?


5. imagine?摇+?摇clause.?摇如:

Mr. Smith couldn’t imagine what had happened at all.


( )The Internet is so closely connected with our daily life. Can you alife without it?

A. understand B. imagine

C. consider D. expect

【答案解析】 考查动词意思辨别。题意:网络与我们的日常生活如此紧密联系,你能想象没有它生活会是什么样吗?understand意为“懂得,明白”;imagine意为“想象,认为”;consider意为“认为”;expect意为“期望”。根据题意选B。

2. polluted 形容词,被污染的

【拓展】 pollute 动词,污染;玷污

pollution 名词,污染;玷污


( ) —Did you hear that water in Tai lake smelt terrible?

—Yes. In fact, it .That’s all because of the people and the factories around.

A. polluted B. was polluted

C. has polluted D. will pollute

【答案解析】考查时态和意思辨析。题意为:—你听说太湖难闻吗?—是的,事实上它被污染了,那全是因为周围的人和工厂。polluted意为“污染”;was polluted意为“被污染”;has polluted意为“已经污染”;will pollute意为“将污染”。根据题意选B。

3. develop 动词,意味“发展,开发”,可用作及物动词或不及物动词。

如: Our country is developing stronger and stronger. 我们国家发展得越来越强大。

【拓展】 development 名词,意为“发展”;developing 形容词,意为“发展的”developed 形容词,意为“发达的”。China is a developing country while America is a developed country. 中国是一个发展中国家而美国是一个发达国家。


Good sleep helps the body and brain grow and (发展).


4. specially 副词,意为“特别地,专门地”,在句中作状语。

I?摇made this cake specially,with brown sugar instead of white. 我特地用红糖代替白糖做了这个蛋糕。

I?摇made this cake specially for your birthday。这张贺卡是我特意为你的生日而做的。

【联想】 special 形容词,意为“特别地”;近义词:especially副词,意为“特别地;尤其”。

【链接中考】 用所给的词的适当形式填空。

This machine is (special)designed for blind people.

【答案解析】 句意:这种机器是专门为盲人设计的。specially是special的副词形式。意为“特别地,专门地”,在句中作状语。答案为specially。

5. everyday 形容词,意为“日常的”,“每日的”,相当于daily,在句中作定语。

It happens in everyday life。这是日常生活中经常发生的事。


If you want to improve your spoken English, you must speak more English .

A. everyday?摇everyday

B. everyday every day

C. every day every day

D. every day?摇everyday

【答案解析】 句意:如果你想改进你的英语口语,你必须每天多说日常英语。everyday形容词,在句中作定语;every day副词短语,在句中作状语。答案为B。

6. whatever?摇代词,意为“无论什么”,用于引导让步状语从句。

Whatever happens,I’ll stay here. 不管发生什么事,我都会留在这儿。

【拓展】?摇whatever 还可用作形容词,意为“无论怎么样的,无论哪一种的”。

Whatever reason you have,you should carry your promise。无论你有什么样的理由,你都应该遵守诺言。


We’ll never give up our plan happens.

A. however B. whatever

C. whenever D. wherever



1. How do you like life on Mars??摇你认为在火星上的生活如何?

【结构解析】How do you like...?为提问看法的句型,意为“你认为(觉得)某人(事)怎么样?”相当于:What do you think of...?How do you find...?答语常用:I love it./It’s cool. 我喜欢/很酷。I’can’t stand it/It’s terrible /I don’t like it/I hate it.我无法忍受/太糟了/我不喜欢。I don’t mind.我不介意,我不在乎。

—How do you like sitcoms?你认为情景喜剧如何?

—I can’t stand them.我无法忍受。

—What do you think of the shirt I’ve just bought?你认为我刚买的那件衬衫怎么样?

—Very nice.很好。

—How did you find Peter Gray?你觉得彼得·格雷这人怎么样?

—I found him dishonest.我觉得他不诚实。

【链接中考】 —What do you think of soap operas?

— .But my mother likes them.

A. I like them

B. I enjoy them

C. I can’t stand them.

D. I don’t agree


2. At present, our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars—it takes months.目前,我们的宇宙飞船太慢了而不能运送许多人去火星—这要花上数月时间。

【结构解析】 ① too...to...意思为“太……以致不能”,结构为肯定形式,但表示否定意义。

a. He is too young to go to school.他太小,不能上学。

② 当不定式有逻辑上的主语是,要在不定时千家for sb。

如: Physics is too difficult for me to learn well.物理太难了,我学不好。

③ too...to...结构可以改写为 so...that...结构。

(a) 句可改为:He is so young that he can’t go to school.

(b) 句可改为:Physics is so difficult that I can’t learn it well.

【链接中考】 根据所给汉语句子的意思,将所给的英语句子翻译完整,每空填一个单词。


The question is difficult for us answer.


too...to...意为“太……而不能”,是英语中一重要句型。答案为 too,to。

3. The gravity on Mars is only about three—eighths of that on Earth.


【点拨】 英语中的分数表达法:



( )About of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.

A. four-fifth B. four-fifths

C. fourth-fifths D. fourths-fifth

【答案解析】 题意:我们学校图书馆的书大约五分之四是用汉语编写的。根据 “分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子大于一时,分母上的序数词后要加s”的用法故此题选B。

4. How long do you expect your robot to last?


【点拨】 句中的expect为及物动词,意为“期待;预期”。常见结构有:

expect to do sth预期做某事

expect +宾语+宾语补足语



He on time. 他盼望他爸爸按时回来。

【答案解析】 此题是“expect +宾语+宾语补足语”的用法。根据题意答案为expects his father to come back。

5. However, nobody is sure if these plants can produce enough water.


【拓展】 sure 形容词,确定的,有把握的,在句中作表语,形成be sure 系表结构:

be sure +?摇 of / about sthof doing sth (主语对自己有把握)to do sth (说话人对主语有把握)that-clausewh-clause


( )—Are you going to take part in the speech competition?

— . It’s too good a chance to miss.(2012江苏盐城)

A. No problem

B. Thanks a lot

C. Never mind

D. That’s for sure

【答案解析】 No problem意为“没问题”;Thanks a lot意为“非常感谢”;Never mind意为“没有关系”;That’s for sure意为“毫无疑问”。句意为“—你将要参加演讲比赛吗?—那是肯定的,这是一个不能错过的机会。”故答案为D。