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完形填空 第8期

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We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago most of the people in Europe (欧洲) knew 1 about tea. Some people had 2 about it, but very few of them knew3to do with it.

Once an English sailor(水手) went to 4 in the east, the west and the south. He had been to India and China. One day he came home and brought some tea as a5 for his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to go to a "tea 6 ". When her friends came,the old woman brought out some tea-leaves and asked them to eat, of course,7liked the tea-leaves.8that time the sailor came in. He looked at the table and said, "Mother,what have you done with the tea? …I boiled (煮) it as you 9 ."

"And what did you do with the water?"

"I threw it away, of course,"answered the old woman. "Now you may throw away the 10 ,too,"said the sailor.

1. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything

2. A. said B. heard C. told D. thought

3. A. what B. how C. that D. which

4. A. ships B. world C. countries D. sea

5. A. drink B. money C. food D. present

6. A. concert B. dinner C. party D. meeting

7. A. nobody B. everybody C. anybody D. somebody

8. A. At B. On C. In D. Of

9. A. do B. make C. said D. gave

10. A. tea B. cup C. water D. leaves

(二)Thief or Buyer?

Henry stole(偷) some coats in a shop one night. He hoped to sell them in the market and buy some 1 for his hungry children. Bad luck! The police 2 him and put him into prison(监狱). He was very sad and3the poor children. He knew he would 4 in prison for more than three years.

One afternoon it was snowing and the weather was5 . The farmer stood by the window and6 out. But he could see nothing except the high wall. He felt very sorry because he couldn't7any Christmas presents for his children. Suddenly the door 8 and came in a young man in worn-out clothes, and two9 were following him. They pushed him into the ward(牢房)and 10 the door and left. Henry came up to him and asked," 11 are you brought here for, sir?"

"I went into a shop to buy something," answered the young man.

"I don't think it's 12 to do that!" called out Henry.

"13do I, sir," the young man said. "But they thought me a thief(贼)."

"14, when did you go into the shop?"

"My watch is fast," said the young man. "So I went into it four15ahead of time(提前)."

l. A. clothes B. books C. food D. newspapers

2. A. met B. caught C. helped D. taught

3. A. afraid of B. strict with C. angry with D. worried about

4. A. be B. play C. rest D. sleep

5. A. hot B. cold C. warm D. cool

6. A. looked B. went C. came D. rushed

?. A. post B. draw C. give D. buy

8. A. broke B. fell C. opened D. closed

9. A. doctors B. policemen C. farmers D. drivers

10. A. watched B. touched C. locked D. mended

l l. A. Why B. When C. How D. What

12. A. wrong B. right C. important D. dangerous

13. A. So B. Either C. Neither D. Such

14. A. Excuse me B. By the way C. Good luck D. Never mind

15. A. minutes B. weeks C. days D. hours

(三)A Good Girl?

Jenny Gordon was a very kind and beautiful woman. Before she got 1 , many young men were in love with her. Many of them2to her, telling her how wonderful she was, how much they loved her and each of them wanted to be her3 . Jenny kept all these letters. She tied them up with a red ribbon(缎带) and put them away in an old box. She4read them because her husband took good care of her, however, they were a part of her5and she did not want to throw them away.

Jenny had a6, Sue. Sue was six. One day, a friend of hers was in hospital. Jenny wanted to go to see her. Of course it was7to take Sue there with her. So she had to leave Sue 8 for two hours.

"Now be a good girl," she said. "Play9in the yard. If you need anything, go to the lady next door and she'lll0 you."

When she returned home, she asked Sue, "Have you 11 a good girl?"

"Oh, yes, Mommy," Sue said.

"What did you do while I was12?" Jenny asked her.

"I played mailman(邮递员) ," Sue told her.

"13could you play mailman, darling(亲爱的)?" Sue asked. "You didn't have any letters."

"Oh, yes I did, Mommy," Sue said. "I14some in an old box upstairs. They were tied up with a red ribbon. I put one in every mailbox in the15. Wasn't I a good girl?"

1. A. died B. left C. married D. started

2. A. wrote B. listened C. talked D. spoke

3. A. classmate B. husband C. brother D. friend

4. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never

5. A. study B. life C. job D. interest

6. A. daughter B. sister C. pupil D. student

7. A. helpful B. useful C. important D. bad

8. A. asleep B. afraid C. alone D. away

9. A. slowly B. quickly C. clearly D. quietly

10. A. help B. teach C. show D. like

11. A. learned B. been C. played D. hoped

12. A. in B. free C. out D. at work

13. A. When B. How C. What D. Where

14. A. found B. bought C. borrowed D. looked for

15. A. village B. park C. street D. theatre

(四) How Robert Got a Video?

Robert is twelve this year. He likes 1football. And he also likes watching football matches. As he hasn't enough2to buy the tickets, he has to watch them on TV at home when he's3 . But he always goes to school from Monday to Friday and4 a lot of important matches.

One afternoon there would be5football match of the year in America. The boy wanted to watch it on TV very much. But he had no6 to stay at home. They would have a maths 7the next morning. He had to prepare it in the8 .

"Can we have a video, mummy?" Robert asked 9 he went to school. "Then you'll record the football match for 10"

"I'm afraid we can't buy one," sighed(叹气) his mother. "We are going to be 11if your father doesn't bring any food home. He hasn't 12 for months. Now he's gone out to 13 some money from his friends."

But that afternoon in came Robert, with a new video in his 14.

"How on earth did you pay for that, Robert?" his mother asked in surprise.

"That's easy, mummy," answered the boy. "I've sold our15 for it!"

1. A. making B. passing C. playing D. mending

2. A. time B. money C. room D. example

3. A. busy B. strong C. weak D. free

4. A. misses B. forgets C. remembers D. catches

5. A. a small B. the smallest C. a big D. the biggest

6. A. story B. excuse C. business D. accident

7. A. exercise B. problem C. exam D. subject

8. A. classroom B. lab C. bedroom D. field

9. A. after B. before C. when D. because

10. A. me B. myself C. you D. yourself

11. A. tired B. thirsty C. hungry D. careful

12. A. given B. been given C. paid D. been paid

13. A. ask B. borrow C. find D. choose

14. A. arms B. feet C. legs D. mouth

15. A. chair B. house C. television D. factory


Jimmy lived in the country(乡下) ,and he loved playing in a very small river near his house,1then his father2a job in a big city,moved there 3his family.

Their new house had a garden,but the garden was very 4.

Jimmy wasn't very happy.

"Is there a river near here?"he asked his mother5the first morning.

His mother answered," No,there isn't, but there is a beautiful park near here, Jimmy,and there's a pool (池塘)6it. We'll go there this afternoon. "Then Jimmy was happy.

After lunch, Jimmy and his mother went to the park. Jimmy wanted to walk near the pool, but there was a blackboard with words on it7the pool. His mother read it to him,"Be careful:This pool is dangerous, 376 people have 8 into it." Jimmy looked9the pool carefully. 10 he said, "I can't see them."

1. A. and B. but C. so D. nor

2. A. received B. lost C. got D. out of

3. A. with B. followed C. without D. by

4. A. beautiful B. small C. big D. nice

5. A. in B. since C. at D. on

6. A. with B. by C. in D. through

7. A. in front of B. in the front of C. in a front of D. in one front of

8. A. failed B. fallen C. fellen D. felt

9. A. at B. on C. out of D. into

10. A. Then B. Than C. Once D. Late


(一) 1--5CBACD6--10CAACD


2.B.此处句意指一些人听说过茶,听说为hear about。






8.A.在那里为at that time。



(二) 1--5CBDAB6--10ADCBC11--15DACBD















15.D.商店一般是每天开门的,B、C不能选;小偷也不会在开门前4分钟进去偷东西。那自然是 在4个小时之前。

(三) 1--5CABDB6--10ADCDA11--15BCBAC
















(四) 1--5CBDAD6--10BCABA11--15CDBAC















15.C.Robert不可能卖掉房子,他家也没有工厂,卖掉椅子也买不来一个录像机。所以,C是正确 选项。

(五) 1--5BCABD6--10CABDA







7.A.in front of和in the front of都是“在……前面”之意,in front of指外部;in the front of指内部,

黑板不可能放在池塘上的前部,故不能选in the front of。


9.D.look at看……;look on观看;look out of向……外看;look into向……里面看去;在这指

Jimmy向池塘里面,故选look into。
