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Reporter: Millie Norton was just six years old when she was diagnosed with Type-1 1)Diabetes.

And, whilst diabetics have been self-monitoring for years, the latest gadgets offer more high-tech control. Two years ago she switched from 2)insulin injections to a blood 3)glucose reader that connects to a continuous glucose pump via Bluetooth. It calculates how much insulin above her base dose is required and, at the touch of a button, delivers it.

Millie Norton: It’s completely, completely changed my life. Like, the difference it’s made, it’s been massive. Before I went on it, I probably wouldn’t have been able to go to college and 4)sit my[1]A-Levels, ’cause I would have been too ill. And there’s no way I would have been able to come to university. When I was injections before, it becomes a big 5)chore, ’cause you have to stick to, like, certain times of eating, and finding places where you can go and discretely kind of inject yourself. And especially at the time it was, when I was at school, you’d get, like, people would make comments and stuff, and whereas with this, it’s just, I have freedom to eat when I want and what I want, which has made quite a big difference. And also I can just get the glucose metre out, and ’cause it’s Bluetooth, it looks like a phone, so people will just assume that I’m playing around on a phone. Like, no one has to know anymore, which is quite nice.

Cathy Moulton(Clinical Adviser): What we have worried about in the past is people just testing their blood glucose, seeing what it is, and doing nothing about it. With the advance of technology, and seeing all this development, people are so much more interested in what is going on, and they’re acting on what their results are.

Millie: I don’t need as much input from the doctors anymore, because I can get up on-screen, and, like graphs, so if I saw that I was waking up in the morning and my blood sugar was a bit higher than it should be, I can then think, well I clearly need more insulin overnight, and then just program, via the metre―I don’t have to go in to the pump anymore―and can just tell it that I need, like, a few more units.

Reporter: Although Millie’s was provided by her doctor, developments have made it to the consumer market too. This glucose reader instantly sends its readings via a free 2G connection to a secure on-line portal. And if you want to keep all your medical data in one place, Microsoft [2]Health Vault is one of a handful of web sites that can provide a secure place for all your readings, with the option of giving doctors or family access too.

It’s not just about monitoring existing conditions, either; there is also an opportunity here for us all to become more healthaware. The FitBit is a piece of 6)wearable tech that monitors every step you take, including stairs, so might just encourage you to make that extra bit of effort. Then you can work out whether you’ve earned that chocolate 7)muffin or not. By logging onto your account, you have to own up to what you’ve been eating, and it’ll match up energy used with your 8)intake. If you’re willing to wear it 24/7, it can even monitor your sleep.

It’s not just about hardware, either. This app allows your phone’s camera to measure your heart rate. It works by monitoring colour changes in the light that passes through your finger.

It’s all very well logging all this data, but what am I actually meant to do with it? 72 beats per minute. Is that normal?

Dr. Calre: There are limits, of course, because whilst you might be able to measure things, it doesn’t mean you’ll be able to diagnose what’s wrong with you or even what the measurement might mean, so it’s always a balance, it’s a balance between self-care but also understanding that sometimes you do need to see a doctor or a health professional to get yourself sorted.

Reporter: Well, maybe it was a bit optimistic of me to think an app a day could keep the doctor away.


糖尿病患者自我检测血糖以控制病情早不是什么新鲜事了,而一些最新的技术玩意能为此提供更为高科技的手段。 两年前,米莉不再一次次地去注射胰岛素,而是使用一款便捷的血糖仪作监控,通过蓝牙连接胰岛素持续注射泵。这一装置能计算在基础剂量之上她还需要多少胰岛素,只需轻触按键便能注射相应的剂量。




记者:虽然米莉手边的这台血糖仪是医生提供她使用的,但相应的产品开发已经登陆消费者市场。这款血糖仪能把病者自测的数据通过2G通讯网络瞬时传送到一个安全的门户网站。而假若你想把自己的医疗数据存储到一个安全的网络空间去,那微软的Health Vault是几个这样的网站之一,还可以选择把自己的数据对医生或家人开放。






[1] A-Levels 英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level)的简称。它是英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,就像我国的高考一样

[2] Health Vault 微软提供的免费在线服务。允许用户收集、管理自己和家人的健康和身体状况信息并从中获益