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日记 第1期

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Keep a Diary

Do you know what is the most amazing thing in the whole world? It is a person’s heart. Every heart is like an ocean, in the depths of which lie the secrets of memory and the beauty of life. The tides of the sea flow in and out as our emotions go up and down, leaving behind colorful shells on the beach. We pick those shells up, and keep them in a place where we feel safe. And that place is called a diary.

At the age of nineteen, when the “would-comehas not come yet and when the soul is still wandering[迷失方向], sometimes we do not know where we are going. Well, whenever sad, write it down in a diary. It is like depositing[使……沉积] our sadness in a bottle and seeing it float down the river. We know that some day, somewhere, somebody would pick it up, and that what we have to do is only to have the patience to wait for the best. The best way to cure sadness is to find a place to keep your story. Keep it in your diary.

There are times when our life is messed up[陷入困境]. To us students, when schoolwork is too demanding[需要很大努力的], our life is turned upside down and we look for somewhere to rest and smell the roses. Open your diary then, and write down your anxieties[忧虑], whether it’s the exam next month, or the English Festival play. We use a comb to comb our hair, and we use a diary to comb our thoughts. This makes us clearer of our position and what we should do. Our hearts calm down in the soothing[抚慰的] hands of our diary. We smell the scent of hope, and enjoy the blossoms[开花] of vitality[生命力].

Keeping a diary is a promise we make to ourselves. A promise to fight the turns and twists of life. As for me, I feel brave and confident to struggle on, and to keep the promise.



