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Research on Giving Play to the Efficacy of Basketball Teaching in Universities

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(College of Physical Education, Wuhan Sports University, Hubei 430079,China)

Abstract. Basketball teaching in universities plays a significant role in improving college students’ physical quality and cultivating college students’ abilities, and it is also an important part of physical educ

1. Introduction

Basketball teaching is to enable students to get the knowledge, technique, skills of basketball, and it helps to improve students ' physical quality, improve their own development, but also helps to develop the students' sense of team, forging their will. At present, the basketball has become one of the modern college students' favorite sports. In the public physical education of universities, it is a common practice for the universities to take basketball as a public basic course, various universities also offer basketball elective course and other forms of courses, and take it as an important means of teaching inspection, various universities organize school-level and university-level basketball matches each year in order to improve students' basketball skills, maximizing the efficacy of basketball teaching. Nowadays, there are still many problems existing in basketball teaching of universalities, the paper tries to find out how to solve these problems by studying these universal questions, maximize the efficacy of basketball teaching.

2. Status of basketball teaching in universities

2.1 Content of basketball teaching emphases on basketball skills

In basketball teaching process, emphasis tends to be put on the teaching and practice of basketball skills, while ignore the tactical coordination and fitness function, groupment and other characteristics of basketball.

2.2 Teaching methods of basketball are conservative, teaching process is monotonous.

Basketball teaching methods are conservative; they are generally simple to complete the teaching tasks and teaching goals, while ignoring the innovation and diversity of teaching methods. "Teaching” and "learning” is not enough related to each other, making the teaching process dull, inactive. Teaching content essentially only stay on a simple shooting, dribbling, ball control, passing and catching the ball and some basic skills, does not have the competition under the guidance of a teacher, the tactical arrangements and instillation of sense of team and some more practical things. In this way, students have no interest in learning; the teaching is only to complete the task.

2.3 Assessment methods of basketball teaching lack scientificity

Assessment methods of basketball teaching in many universities simply use the application and mastery of a few basic techniques and the standard of special skills as assessment content. The assessment of the basic theory knowledge, tactics and comprehensive quality of the basketball is neglected. Such assessment methods will affect the students ' enthusiasm, which is not conducive to improving teaching effectiveness.

In addition, Because the concept of national fitness, health education and lifelong sports is not set up in the whole society, the universities do not march ahead in society, a new, better education philosophy is not set up in the basketball teaching of the universities or even throughout the physical education, teachers’ teaching or students’ learning are simple to achieve better scores, this kind of phenomenon is everywhere.

3. Detailed analysis of the efficacy of the basketball teaching in universities

3.1 Being conducive to improving the students' social adaptation ability

In the modern competitive environment, strong social adaptation ability is very important for students to step into the society. In the process of basketball practical teaching, students can experience some of the characteristics of basketball as a team event, such as competition and cooperation, losing and winning, trust and doubt, praise and criticism and so on, which is of great help for these students to improve their social adaptation ability. Because on the basketball court, the students should try to help his team win the game, to help their teammates and create opportunities for teammates; they need to have strong will and strong physique; basketball match is a competition under the rules, and the rules cannot be violated, these can be learned in the process of basketball match and basketball learning.

3.2 Being conducive to the achievement of quality education goals

Basketball is a competitive sport, it is not only the test of physical strength, intelligence and skills, at the same time, it requires individual thought, morality. Because there is winning or losing for a match, teachers can train students to be humble in victory, gracious in defeat through proper guidance, while instilling the right sporting spirit and style.

In the process of basketball teaching, while conducting demonstration exercises, contrast exercises, simulation exercises, students’ observation, memory, and other capabilities have been practiced; during the basketball match, students should learn to solve problems, learn how to better achieve the victory.

Basketball is a comprehensive sporting event, students can exercise stamina, strength, speed , flexibility , power and other physical fitness. Effective basketball teaching can improve the students' sports ability, enhance physique, improve physical condition.

3.3 Being conducive to the development of students' personality

Flexibility of basketball results in the diversity of basketball teaching, it is not only confined to the classroom, and it needs a broader space. Thus, students will have a broader space for development; students are more willing to show their strength. Teachers can teach students in accordance of their aptitude, pay attention to and explore individual differences of students, which allows students’ personality to be better outspread and developed.

4. Specific measures to give play to the efficacy of basketball teaching in universities

4.1 Establishment of diversified teaching methods

Along with the diversity tendency of sporting events, teaching, contents, structure of basketball should also be moving in the direction of diversity. How should we better establish a diversified teaching mode? First of all, we should fully understand the characteristics of basketball and college students, secondly, the teachers should strengthen their self learning and enrich their teaching experience and teaching ability, collect data and information as much as possible, understand students’ actual situation and needs. There should be a professional basketball skills learning in the curriculum, there should be some basketball matches, games and some other recreational activities; Teachers can teach students according to the students specific circumstances, so that students’ personality can be better developed; In the teaching process, it is needed to increase the fun of training, create a happy atmosphere of basketball teaching; In teaching methods, in addition to the traditional comparison and contrast, demonstration teaching method, case method, we can also use the game teaching , interactive teaching , motivating teaching method and other methods . Diversification of teaching methods can better improve students’ learning enthusiasm and passion for basketball, in order to achieve better results.

4.2 Putting emphasis on the role of match in basketball teaching

Basketball match should be introduced in the teaching process, the ways of match may be various, it will be OK as long as there is confrontation and competition, losing and winning in the match for students, individual skills competition, shooting competition can be adopted. In the course of the match, the teacher can explain the rules of the match for the students; get involved in his students’ match as a coach or a referee. Teacher can relax the rules of the match and technical requirements according to the actual situations, the purpose is to allow students to better display themselves, and continuously improve themselves from the match.

4.3 Establishment of a diverse, flexible evaluation mechanism

Students’ uneven basketball foundation is taken into account, their ability will be different, boys and girls’ physiological and psychological differences also exist, which necessarily requires evaluation mechanism of basketball teaching to be diverse, flexible, so as to ensure the fairness of the assessment. For those students who have relatively solid sports skills foundation, good physical fitness, they can be assessed strictly in accordance with the standards, and for those students who have poor exercise quality, poor foundation, the teacher can relax the requirements, and assess these students by combining with the attendance, ordinary performance, theory mastery degree as well as the learning attitude.

4.4 Paying attention to the implementation of "lifelong sports" concept

Sports is essential for human health, the health is not only physical health, but also the psychological, moral health. More ultimate significance of basketball teaching should make every student fall in love with basketball, fall in love with sports and stick to them all his life. Therefore, the basketball teaching in universities should take “lifelong sports” as the guiding ideology; the ideology should be instilled to the students by teachers in the teaching process, so that students and the society will benefit from it for the long life.

5. Summary

Basketball is of great significance for the whole society as well as the persons engaged in basketball, and basketball teaching in universities often plays a guiding, enlightenment role, it can be seen that it is of great significance to be better for the basketball teaching in universities. Therefore, teachers should set up a correct teaching idea, innovate their teaching methods, use some diverse teaching means, and make contribution to the maximum play to the efficacy of basketball teaching in universities.


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