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Part 1 The Travel Bug

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friends. That’s better than getting great photos!

Kathryn: Can’t argue there. Do you think it was easy to make friends because you were all on an adventure together?

Tom: Without a doubt. I really wish I could keep on meeting and talking with other travelers…but now that I’m home, I guess it’s back to the same-old-sameold.

Kathryn: Well, not so fast! If you really like being a part of traveler culture, even when you’re not traveling, I think I know what you should do.

Tom:⑥I’m all ears!

Kathryn: It’s called “couch surfing.”

Tom: Well, that’s a funny name!

Kathryn: Maybe so, but it’s an awesome idea. You see, travelers who don’t want to pay for hotels or who want to meet more local people can decide to look for local people to stay with while they’re in town. Often, local people are willing to let travelers stay on their couches for free. Tom: And therefore, “couch surfing.”Got it. Well, I’m sold—I’ve got an extra couch, and I want in! How do I start?

Kathryn: Wow, ⑦you’re really 1)chomping at the bit for this! Well, you’ve got a couple of options. You could look up the local couch surfing club, or you could just look for applications online.

Tom: People write applications to sleep on other peoples’ couches? How have I never heard about this?

Kathryn: Beats me!

Tom: Well, there’s no time to lose! ⑧I’m gonna go home and drop off all these bags, then get right on the computer.

Kathryn: Actually, now I’m pretty curious, too! Mind if I 2)tag along?

Tom: Not at all! myself away from my book to go and eat lunch!我现在很饿了,但我舍不得放下我的书去吃午饭。

to be on the edge of sb.’s seat: to be very eager to hear about sth.(很渴望听某事)。例如:

I couldn’t wait until the next Harry Potter book came out! I was on the edge of my seat to know what happens to Harry.我迫不及待地等哈利·波特的书面市!我很想知道哈利发生了什么事。

see sth. coming: expect sth. to happen(预料到某事会发生)。例如:

Everyone else was surprised when Ed got a good grade on the exam, but I’d seen him studying hard, so I had seen it coming.


to be all ears: to be eager to receive advice(渴望接收建议)。例如:

If you have any suggestions about how to solve this problem, then I’m all ears!


to be chomping at the bit: to be eager to begin sth.(热切地想开始做某事)。例如:

She loved swimming, and she was chomping at the bit for the pool to open again in summer.


get (right) on sth.: begin a task quickly and with energy(投入精力迅速开始一项任务)。例如:

—Can you write this report for me?


—I’ll get right on it!
