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圣彼得堡 第12期

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For an outsider trying to grasp Russia’s 1)complexities in a short trip, St. Petersburg may be the ideal place. It’s the peak of 2)Tsarist 3)ostentation and the place where Russian literature reached great heights. The city’s miseries have been just as dramatic - the poverty and 4)degradation that Fyodor Dostoevsky注1 recorded, the three-year Nazi 5)siege that drove the city into starvation and disease. St. Petersburg is the country’s emotional 6)essence.

Yet for all its 7)psychological importance to Russia, a visitor’s first impression may be of how St. Petersburg doesn’t seem very Russian at all. The city, which Tsar Peter the Great founded three centuries ago on 8)swampy islands at the mouth of the Baltic Sea to be Russia’s “window to the West,” also gave European culture an invasion of Russia.

The city’s 9)emblematic church, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, doesn’t have the onion 10)domes and 11)spires typical of Russian 12)Orthodox churches - it is more like St. Peter’s Basilica注2. Nevsky Prospekt, the main avenue, displays 13)an array of Western European and even American architectural styles.

The 14)paradox is nowhere stronger than at the Hermitage注3. The buildings of the famous museum echo Italian and French 15)baroque styles; inside, the highlights of the collection are Western art.

The most Russian aspect of the Hermitage may be its size: with more than 1,000 rooms (although not all are open to the public), it can be a challenge as much as a delight. It’s so large that a visitor may want to map out a strategy before setting foot inside it. One can choose to 16)concentrate on a few parts of the holdings,such as the Impressionist and Dutch/17)Flemish collections (the latter has the world’s largest collection of Rembrandt注4’s paintings), or try for an overview, which might seem 18)cursory even after a full day.

If it is hard to imagine what life was like for the royals who lived in these rooms, the brain might be strained to breaking when you realize that these were only part-time residences. They also spent much time at an array of palaces, including two outside the city. Peterhof is an operatic array of gardens, playful fountains and 19)elegant buildings. The Catherine Palace is the home of the Amber Room注5, a reconstruction of the complex 20)mosaic 21)panels that disappeared in World War II.

St. Petersburg’s Western aspects don’t mean it’s lacking Russian sights. The Resurrection Church- also known as the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood, because it is built on the site of the 1881 22)assassination of Tsar Alexander II - is a 23)riot of colorful onion domes.

The Russian Museum offers an overview of Russian art, from Mikhail Nesterov注6’s portrayals of Russian 24)Mysticism to Ilya Repin注7’s vast paintings of Tsar Nicholas II.

Seeing the downside of St. Petersburg adds much to one’s appreciation of the city. For Russians, the city is known both for its palaces and its 25)hovels.

Visitors who go a block or two off Nevsky Prospekt today find trails of Dostoevsky’s St. Petersburg - crumbling buildings, their courtyards cold and wet, filled with trash, 26)prowled by stray cats and other creatures.

If you don’t like the downside, you can content yourself by seeing the buildings from one of the tour boats that 27)ply the canals on the Neva River. The boats also provide views of an array of other important sights, including the golden needle of the church at The Peter and Paul Fortress, where many tsars are buried.

Cultural events such as the Mariinsky注8 performances can be a tough ticket in the summer, when the city is flooded with visitors basking in the White Nights, the period when the sun barely sets, and the night sky glows.

Tourist trade and hotel prices drop in winter, but the city’s appeal remains high then. The dark days and the ice-choked Neva lend St. Petersburg a 28)baleful 29)majesty in those months.

Light and dark, gloomy and happy, Eastern and Western ― St. Petersburg 30)distills all of Russia.















1) complexity [kEm5pleksiti] n. 复杂性

2) tsarist [5zB:rist] a. 俄国帝制的

3) ostentation [7Csten5teiFEn] n. 卖弄,夸耀,风头主义

4) degradation [7de^rE5deiFEn] n. 恶化,堕落

5) siege [si:dV] n. 包围

6) essence [5esns] n. 本质,精髓

7) psychological [7saikE5lCdVikEl] a. 心理上的

8) swampy [5swCmpi] a. 沼泽的

9) emblematic [7embli5mAtik] a. 象征性的,标记的

10) dome [dEum] n. 圆屋顶

11) spire [5spaiE] n. 尖顶

12) orthodox [5C:WEdCks] a. 东正教的

13) an array of一排,一群

14) paradox [5pArEdCks] n. 自相矛盾的话,怪事

15) baroque [bE5rEuk] a. 巴洛克式的

16) concentrate [5kCnsentreit] v. 集中

17) Flemish [5flemiF] a.(比利时北部)佛兰德(人)的

18) cursory [5kE:sEri] a. 匆匆忙忙的,粗略的

19) elegant [5eli^Ent] a. 雅致的,优美的

20) mosaic [mC5zeiik] n. 镶嵌工艺,马赛克

21) panel [5pAnl] n. 面板,嵌板

22) assassination [E7sAsi5neiFEn] n. 暗杀

23) riot [5raiEt] n.(色彩)丰富多样,五光十色

24) mysticism [5mistisizEm] n. 神秘主义

25) hovel [5hCvEl] n. 简陋的小屋

26) prowl [praul] v.(觅食的动物)悄悄来回走动于某处

27) ply [plai] v.(船、车等)定期地来往

28) baleful [5beilfJl] a. 带威胁性的

29) majesty [5mAdVisti] n. 雄伟,威严

30) distill [di5stil] v. 提取精华







