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乞丐 第9期

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It is very boring to be alone in the afternoon.

I always think a lot when I am alone,because I won’t be disturbed.It seems as if a bee is flying in my head that I can hardly stop thinking.I think not only what I have seen,but also what I have heard.Everything surrounding me could make me think.

I walked out of the McDonald,thinking the meaning of the soft drink I had just now.It was no more than spending some money senselessly,I thought.My head was empty.Suddenly,I had a plan,why not sit beside the street,and perhaps I could meet a cool guy who could spend this tiresome afternoon with me?In this modern city,I am living my life like real woman.My words,my emotion,everything I have are influenced by this city.I found that there were some people whom I dislike,so I called them“farmer who don’t know anything about modern arts and belongs to the last century.But,I’m not sure whether I am a farmer who is looked down upon by the people from other planets.

I was still standing at the dorrway of the Mc Donald.Of course,I knew I couldn’t stand there forever,but where should I go?No direction.The street before me was still blurry and dim.Ok,just walk on,until I could find a place to sit down.I walked aimlessly,and suddenly I stopped.What could make me stop?Don’t think that I met a super cool guy.On the contrary,it was two dirty beggars.Don’t ask me who created the word Beggar?I Don’t ask me who created the word Beggar?I don’t know.What shocked me was that one of the beggars was a little girl.She was very dirty and no more than 4 years old.She wore very little in the cold wind,sitting beside her mother.It was obvious that her mother’s legs were broken.When I looked at them,there was just one word in my head,which was“Dirty”.

I wanted to continue walking as if nothing had happened,after all,anything would happen nowadays,so everything could be taken for granted.It’s not strange that someone who looks like a beggar is actually a millionaire,and that someone makes a living by taking the advantage of people’s sympathy for beggars.The newspaper often tells us to be wary of the pseudo-beggar.At that moment,I found the little girl was standing in front of me,shaking her cup ceaselessly,which was used for collecting money.Looking at her pure eyes,I forget the noisy cars and the busy city.I could only hear the sound of falling coins.I could only hear the sound of falling coins.I thought of my childhood,which was carefree.No one taught me how to stop the people,and I needn’t shake a cup all day long.What’s most important is that no one would look down upon me,or they get away just because I was smelly.Are we different?She didn’t recite any poem,and she didn’t have many toys,either.But she learned how to beg.Is it her fault?Of course not.Look at her eyes.They are as pure as those of other children of her age.Other children’s world is colorful and happy.They know what happness is.But,she had to suffer from the hunger,the indifference of people and the coldness.She lost her happy life and her smile.Her eyes and pale face made me feel sad,and made me think of so many things.

I continued my walk,without looking at her face and eyes.I sat down,not far from her.I felt very upset.The time went by,but I still sat there,with an empty head.At last,I couldn’t control myself any more.I searched all my pockets crazily.After all,it is more meaningful to give the money to the poor than spend it on silly things.

I walked to them,and gave them all my money.I was so excited that I carelessly dropped all the money.I bent down to pick them up piece by piece,and put them in the little girl’s cup.Her mother kowtowed to me again and again.The little just stood there,still like a little fool.I smiled.

I put my hands in the pockets,feeling very happy.Am I a good person?No,I’m not.At least I wish I were not.My brother said,“Good person don’t live long while bad ones always do.“I don’t want to die,so I’m a bad person,a stupid bad person.

Ok,I had to go home.Without money to pay my bike for the parking lot,I had to walk home.

(Lu Qian)

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