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Desiree Eroy-Reveles age 15


I AM CONVINCED that the most important law in my life is to have faith: faith in God, faith in my family, faith in humanity, and most of all faith in myself. With faithgreat thingshappen. Faith brings love, trust, and confidence in my life.To lose faith is to feel lost and alone.To have faith is to believe that I have a purpose and that I can achieve.

I have faith in God.Having faith in God is very important to me, because good things happen if you believe.For example, when I was little my mom and I were in a car accident.We were pinned in our car while it was going across the highway and into a deep ditch.I prayed and the car stopped short of the ditch.I prayed that my mom was okay because the car crashed on her side.She was okay though she injured her leg and was in a wheelchair for a few months.I felt so alone and unable to help myself or my mom.However, God sent us an angel.I saw my babysitter coming toward our wreck.I was so thankful to God that she was there to take care of me and my sisters while my mom was taken to the hospital.Faith in God gave me the courage to believe that everything would be okay.Faith in God makes you feel brave even though the situation might be very scary.Having faith in God gives me guidance to go beyond my normal limits.

I have faith in my family.To have faith in my family is to have an army to fight for you.My mother,sisters,cousins, stepfather, aunts, uncles, and grandmother all are there for me. As a family, I can count on all of them to help me make it through the rough times.We are strong because we are together.When I was a baby my father left our family and this was very difficult for everyone.We all learned to accept the situation.Instead of being depressed and feeling sorry for ourselves,my mother went to school to become a bilingual teacher; both of my sisters had to become very responsible at a young age to take care of me and themselves.I have much respect and love for my family.My faith in them grows stronger each day because they help me so much!

I have faith in humanity.I have faith that justice will be done though the world is full of violence and misunderstanding.I have faith that our world will find harmony and seek peaceful resolutions.The Moslems and Jewish people are trying to have peace as neighbors.Though my high school is very racially mixed, we try to respect each others' differences and become one Oceanside family.I love the ethnic groups and how we learn about customs and cultures.I have faith that the human race will realize that life is precious and that war does not solve problems.

I have faith in myself.I believe that if I put my mind to do something, pray for God's guidance, and work very hard for what I really want, I can reach that goal. Recently I failed my biology class.My mother said that I would have to give up my dance' practices to study more.I convinced her and my counselor, who wanted to put me in a general science class, that I would work harder and improve my grade. So after concentrating more on biology and making time for studying, I have brought my grade up to a B. If I did not have faith in myself I would have taken the easier class, but I stayed in biology.Now, I want to improve all my grades so that I can take tennis classes in the summer.I have faith in myself that I can put more time in my studies.I will work harder so I can do better in my grades.I have faith in myself so I know I can accomplish my goals.

Having faith is the most important law in my life.Faith in God, faith in family, faith in humanity and faith in myself will lead me to a good future.Nothing great was ever achieved without faith.As the old song goes:

Have faith, Our motto is... have faith, and you won't miss

a life of HAPPINESS when you're young remember... HAVE FAITH!!!







