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You have chosen to enhance your feelings of self-respect.你选择了要提升你的自尊心。This is the time to let go of all doubts about your abilities, to forgive you-rself for any past hurts you may feel you have caused, to let go any inner feelings of inadequacy and to release anxieties about yourself.你或许怀疑过自己的能力,现在你要将所有这些想法彻底抛弃。你过去犯了不少错,使你感到懊丧,现在你要原谅这些。这样,就能把你内心中自惭形秽的感觉抛到九霄云外。

Close your eyes and see yourself in a beautiful and colourful garden.闭上眼睛,你看到自己身处在一个美丽的、五颜六色的大花园之中。Walk through this peaceful and serene landscape and feel the calming energies of love and healing coming into you now.你徜徉在这片平和与宁静的景色之中,感觉到爱正在进入你的身体。这种力量充满着安慰,它能治愈你的全部痛楚。Sit on a bench in this garden and focus on your heart centre.你在花园中的一个凳子上坐下来,将注意力集中于你心脏的中央。Allow yourself to grow very small and see yourself standing before a door.你的身躯变得很小,你站立在一扇门前。 Push the door open and enter a wonderful chamber filled with pink light.你推开门,走进了一个美妙的房间,里面充满了粉红色的光芒。This is the chamber of your heart and the light comes from the love you give to others.这就是你的心房,而那光芒就是你给他人的爱。Let this love light now fill you.让这个爱的光芒充满你。Surrender to it and let it clear away all your doubts; let the love rel-ease all regrets.你顺其自然,让它驱除你心中的所有疑惑,让爱驱除所有的遗憾。See the light getting strong and brighter as you receive and accept your own love.当你得到这个爱、接受你自己的爱时,这个光芒变得愈发亮丽了。

Now is the time to take the energies of love you give to others and use themto heal yourself.你总是将爱心给予别人。现在你可以用这个爱来医治你自己。


You have chosen the energies of self-projection.你选择了自我规划的能力。Now is the time to tell the world of your ideas, to share your inspiration.向全世界说出你的想法,让他人分享你的激情。现在是时候了。You can create ripples that will help so many by sharing your experi-ences.如此多的人分享了你的经验,获得了你的帮助。“风乍起,吹绉一池春水。”这全靠了你创造出的波纹。This is the time to write a book, create a workshop, send out a helpful email, to tell a friend what you think will help them in their need, to pass on your personal wisdom and ideas.此时,你可以写一本书,创立一个工作室,发出一份帮助人的电子邮件,将你的想法告诉一位朋友来解决他的问题,从而将你的智慧和想法传递出去。

Visualise yourself beside a peaceful, calm lake.想象一下,你呆在一个湖边,四周平静祥和,万籁俱寂。Take a stone and hold it in your hand.你拿起一块石头,把它握在手中。Visualise all the experien-ces of your life - some difficult and trau-matic, some inspiring and joyful.你生活中所有的经历现在又一次地变得历历在目。其中有些事是艰难的、痛楚的,而另外一些则令人振奋和喜悦。Place all you have learnt from these experiences into the st-one.你将从生活中获得的所有经验都注入了这块石头。Now throw the stone into the lake and see the ripples that it forms.你将石头扔进湖中,激起了层层的波纹。See the ripples spreading over the entire lake surface.这波纹扩展到了整个湖面。Know that your personal wisdom can help many.要知道,你的个人智慧能够帮助很多人。Feel the energies of self-expression flow through you, helping you to speak out and offer your experience in the ways right for you.你感觉到,自我表达的力量流经了你的全身。它帮助你,让你以适合于你的方式说出、给出你的经验。

Value and share what you have le-arnt from your life's experiences for you can affect and help many people with your wisdom and knowledge.让别人来评价和分享你的经验,这是你从生活中获得的。你的智慧和知识将使许多人获益良多。


You have chosen to work with the energies of creativity.你选择了将创造力带进你的生活。Now is the time to allow your creativity to flow.现在到了让你的创造力显现的时候了。Maybe you have been fee-ling blocked, maybe you are planning to paint or write, plant out a garden or deve-lop a new project.你可能感到与世隔绝。或许你打算从事绘画或者写作,或是开垦出一片花园,或是开创一个新的项目。The time is now perfect to start.现在就开始,现在正是时候。Your imagination can flo-urish and your creative energies can flow to their greatest potential.你的想象力开始活跃,你泉思如涌,你的创造力发挥到了极致。

Close your eyes and visualise yours-elf sitting on the side of a mountain on a warm and sunny day.闭上眼睛,你想象着自己正坐在一座大山的旁边,明媚的阳光普照着大地。You can see for miles and miles - rolling green and beautiful countr-yside for as far as the eye can see.你极目远眺,看到了苍翠的农田和蜿蜒起伏的山丘,一直延伸到远处的地平线。An eagle soars overhead skimming on the air curr-ents, free and unfettered.一只苍鹰趁着一股气流在云际翱翔,它自由自在,毫无羁绊。Connect with the expansiveness ofthe landscape.它与天边的风景相连;Co-nnect with the freedom of the eagle and

let the energies of creation flow through you, empowering and awakening your talents and skills conscious and subconscious.你与自由的苍鹰相连,一股创造力的源流在你的胸中奔涌,激发和唤醒了你的才华,以及你的有意识及下意识的技能。

Know that you can do whatever you wish - you have the power of creation w-ithin you.你知道,只要你想做的事情,你总能做成,因为你拥有了创造力。 Passion激情

You have chosen to bring passion into your life.你选择了将激情带进你的生活。This may be to bring you closer to a person or to a project.这或许让你朝着一个人或一个项目靠拢。Through passion we flow to our greatest potential whether it be for love or to change our world.无论是为了爱,或是想改造这个世界,我们将通过激情来体现出我们最大的潜能。Pass-ion sees the needs of others and the inj-ustices in the world and moves us to tac-kle them.激情使我们看到他人的需求,驱动我们路见不平,拔刀相助。Passion sets us afire with energy and helps to att-ract to us what we need to turn our pass-ions into actions.激情就象一团火,使我们的眼睛看得见世上的不平之事,然后使我们该出手时就出手。

Close your eyes and see yourself sit-ting in front of a campfire on a clear warm night under the stars.闭上你的眼睛,你看到自己坐在一堆篝火旁边。夜色清凉,微风习习,明亮的星星在天穹上不断地闪烁。You sense that the entire universe is watc-hing and waiting.你觉得,整个宇宙都在注视,都在等待。Focus on something that moves you - that needs your attention whether a person or a situation and look into the flames of the fire.将注意力集中于你心中的感动,你注意到一个人或一件事,然后你的眼睛凝视着篝火的火焰。It starts to burn more fiercely and the flames grow larger and larger, lighting up the entire area and reflecting a great golden light upon you.火焰开始更猛烈地燃烧,火苗变得越来越高,把整片地方全都照亮,那金黄色的光芒正笼罩着你。Feel the ene-rgies of passion fill you from the flames and stir you into action.你感到,火焰使你的全身充满了激情的力量,促使你立即采取行动。Plan your moves!你准备好了吗?Enjoy the feeling of great surges of joy and the uplifting energy flowing through you.喜悦就象巨大的洪流,正在你的心中奔涌,使你充满力量。

Focus on the things in your life that impassion you and give them your all!将注意力集中于生活中能够激励你的事物,然后全身心地投入进去。


You have chosen to transform your life.你选择了要转变自己。Now is the time to make changes, not because you are w-rong or bad in anyway but because it is your choice to improve some aspect of your life:现在是改变的时候了。那并不是你错了,或你做得很差,而是你的主动选择,要对你生活的某些方面作出改进。A time for a new lifestyle; a time to let go of past patterns that have caused you upset and disharmony; a time to take a new perspective on life; a time for self-healing.现在你已开始一种新的生活方式,将过去那些使你心烦的不和谐之处抛弃掉。现在你将采用一种新的视角来观察社会,现在是进行自我治疗的时候。

See yourself sitting in a field on a su-nny day.在天气晴朗的某一天,你坐在一片农田之中。 The air is filled with butterfl-ies that land on the grass and wild flowers that surround you.蝴蝶在空中飞舞,它们纷纷地停落在你四周的草地上和野花上。By your hand is a chrysalis and as you w-atch it breaks open and a new and be-autiful butterfly flies out and lands on your hand.你看到附近有一个蝴蝶的蛹。正当你注视着它时,蛹突然间破裂开来,一只美丽的小蝴蝶从里面飞出来,停落在你的手掌上。Sense yourself as a butterfly bre-aking out of your old mould and taking on a new aspect and form.你就好比这只蝴蝶,从旧的模式之中挣脱开来,然后采用一种全新的模式。Allow yourself to change and let go of thinking and attit-udes that hold you in the old way.你要设法让自己改变,让那些束缚你的旧想法、旧态度离你而去。Feel the energies of tr-ansformation and healing flow through you now.你感到了转型的力量,它们流经了你的全身。

Now is the time to transform.现在正是作出改变之时。Move forward and get the best of yourself and your life.向着前方出发,使你处于最佳的情形,让你的生活变得最好。


You have chosen to surrender, to give up the fight to control your life, to go with the flow and let the present and future unfold in its best and most supportive way.你选择了随遇而安,不再试图控制你的生活。与潮流同行,随着大流走,让现在和将来以最好、最有利的方式展开。What you resist will fight back.你越反抗,反弹就越甚。If you control and force your way to your goals so they become elusive.如果你想控制、强迫自己前往既定的目标,这些目标就会变得更加虚无缥缈。So, for-get the clock and the schedules of your busy life; let go your anxieties and press-ures and surrender to the timing and flow of the universe.你的生活忙忙碌碌,其中有无数的钟表和日程表,把它们全都忘了吧。消除掉忧愁与紧张,跟随着宇宙的时间安排和潮流。

Imagine you are floating in a pool in a serene and tranquil garden.在一个安宁

与寂静的花园之中,你正漂浮在一个池塘之上。You are surrounded by rose petals and supported by the water that gently moves beneath you, relaxing and soothing you as you let go and surrender to its mo-vement.玫瑰的花瓣簇拥在你的四周,池水在你的身下温柔地承载着你,使你慢慢地在水面上漂浮。于是,你感到放松和安慰,正所谓:纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。浩浩乎如冯虚御风,而不知其所止;飘飘乎如遗世独立,羽化而登仙。You see a bird flying overhead seeking the thermals that allow it to soar effortlessly through the blue sky.你看到有一只鸟从你的头上飞过。它正寻找着热气流,使它能毫不费力地翱翔在蓝天。Be like the bird and hold the intention to flow with life.你也要像那只鸟一样,时时准备与潮流同行。Enjoy the freedom of surrender.享受顺其自然带来的自由。

Now is the time to let go your need to control for now you can go with the flow-enjoy it.现在,你不再需要控制,因为你搭


了将友谊与人际交往带进你的生活。May-ave had less time for your friends.你可能有了一个新工作;也许与你的家人和朋友离开一段时间;或许你的工作太忙了,所以你与朋友们呆在一起的时间很少。Now is the time to reach out and bring yourself closer to those that care for you.现在是时候了:你要走出去,离关心你的朋友们更近些。Now is the time to allow yourself to meet new friends.现在是你结交新朋友的时候了。Focus on one of your dearest friends now and imagine them sitting beside you.将注意力集中在你的最好的朋友们身上,想象着他们现在就坐在你的身旁。The clo-ck has been stopped and you are entirely free to spend time together.钟表的指针不再走动,你们感到彻底的自由,他们正在与你一起分享着时间。What would you do?fun and laughing together.你想起,你们呆在一起的时候很开心,大家一起开怀大笑。See the way the rest of the world fa-des away as the two of you are there just for each other.世上的一切似乎不复存在,只剩下了你们两人。Let the energies of loving support and caring fill you as you spend this precious time sharing this very special time together.你们共度这良辰美景,卿卿我我,天长地久。

Hold the intention of making time for companionship and contact a friend to-day.给友情一些时间吧,今天就发一份伊妹儿给你的朋友。