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一、 完全倒装:谓语动词完全置于主语之前的句子。主要句型有:

1. 副词here, there, now, then, thus置于句首

例1 (2010江苏卷) ―Is everyone here?

―Not yet... Look, there _____ the rest of our guests.

A. come B. comes C. is coming D. are coming

解析 本题既考查there放在句首引起的倒装,又考查主谓一致,还考查了句子的时态。由the rest of our guests判断,谓语动词应该用复数形式,而此类句型应该用一般现在时或一般过去时,不应该用进行时态,故应选择A项。

2. 表示方位的副词或介词短语置于句首时

例2 (2010重庆卷) At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _____, one of the ten largest cities in China.

A. lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies

C. does lie Chongqing D. does Chongqing lie

解析 句意:在扬子江和嘉陵江交汇处,坐落着中国十大城市之一的重庆。介词短语at the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River是这个句子的地点状语,置于句首,所以引起句子的完全倒装,故A项正确。

3. “表示动作趋向性的副词+不及物动词+主语”句型

例3 I tried to come closer to watch the bird, but as soon as it noticed me, _____ into the woods.

A. away it flew B. away flew it C. did it fly away D. did away it fly

解析 句意:我尽量走近去观看那只鸟,可是它一注意到我,就飞进树林里去了。该句将动作趋向性的副词away放在句首,应该用完全倒装句型,但是当句子的主语为代词时,主谓不倒装,故应选择A项。这样的动作趋向性的副词有:out, in, up, down, off, away等。

4. such置于句首

例4 (2009辽宁卷) _____ is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous.

A. Such B. This C. That D. So

解析 句意:电视的威力如此,以至于它能使人骤然成名。此句型中,从题干上看,主谓已经倒装过来,所以应将such置于句首。另外,此句型中be动词应该与其后的“真正的主语”保持一致。


二、 部分倒装


1. only 修饰状语放在句首

例1 (2011全国I卷) Only when he reached the tea house _____ it was the same place he’d been in last year.

A. he realized B. he did realize C. realized D. did he realize

解析 句意:直到他到了茶馆,他才意识到这就是他去年来过的地方。only修饰when引导的时间状语从句置于句首,所以引起句子部分倒装,将助动词did提至主语he前面,故D项正确。

2. 否定副词never, nor, not, hardly, little, seldom等置于句首

例2 (2011福建卷) ―It’s nice. Never before _____ such a special drink!

―I’m glad you like it.

A. I have had B. I had C. have I had D. had I

解析 句意:――太棒了。我以前从来没喝过这么独特的饮料!――很高兴您喜欢。因为never置于句首,所以引起句子部分倒装,根据句中的never before应该用现在完成时态,所以选择C项。

3. 句型“so / neither / nor + be / have / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语”

这种句型分两种形式,“so + be / have / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语”意为“……也是如此”;“neither / nor + be / have / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语”意为“……也不这样”。

例3 (2008 辽宁卷) Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and ____.

A. I was neither B. neither was I C. I was either D. either was I

解析 句意:比尔对杰森耽搁报告很不高兴,我也很不高兴。neither是否定意义的词,表示“也不”,将它放在句首,句子部分倒装,故应选B项。

例4 (2007江苏卷) ―My room gets very cold at night.


A. So is mine B. So mine is

C. So does mine D. So mine does

解析 句意:――我的房间晚上很冷。――我的也是。上句用的是gets, 所以下句应该用助动词does,C项正确。注意:这种倒装结构要与so开头的强调句区别开来。例如:

例5 (2006江西卷) ―I reminded you not to forget the appointment.


A. So you did B. So I do not C. So did you D. So do I

解析 句意:――我提醒过你不要忘了约会。――你确实提醒过我。此句根据句意应该用强调结构“so + 主语 + be / have / 助动词 / 情态动词”,意为“……的确如此”,此题应选择A项。

4. “so + adj. / adv....that...”句型


例6 (2009山东卷) So sudden _____ that the enemy had no time to escape.

A. did the attack B. the attack did

C. was the attack D. the attack was

解析 句意:这次袭击如此突然,以至于敌人没有时间逃跑。“so + 形容词”放在句首时,引起主句部分倒装。因为sudden是形容词,在句中作表语,所以应该用was,故C项正确。

5. “not only... but(also)... ”句型

此句型意为“不但……而且……”,如果将not only 放在句首,引起句子前半部分倒装,but also后的部分仍然用正常语序。

例7 (2009宁夏・海南卷) The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _______, but students became more interested in the lessons.

A. saved was teachers’ energy B. was teachers’ energy saved

C. teachers’ energy was saved D. was saved teachers’ energy

解析 句意:电脑被用于教学,结果不仅仅是老师省力了,而且学生对课也更感兴趣了。将not only放在句首,所以其后的句子将助动词was提到主语之前,故B项正确。

6. “not until... ”置于句首的句型

例8 (2010江西卷) Not until he left his home _____ to know how important the family was for him.

A. did he begin B. had he begun

C. he began D. he had began

解析 句意:直到他离开家他才开始了解家庭对他来说多么重要。not until 置于句首,引起主句部分倒装,根据句意,应选用一般过去时,所以将助动词did提到主语之前,故A项正确。

例9 (2010江西卷) It was _____ he came back from Africa that year ______ he met the girl he would like to marry.

A. when; then B. not; until C. not until; that D. only; when

解析 句意:是直到他那年从非洲回来时,他才遇到了他想娶的女孩。此句不是倒装句,而是not... until 结构的强调句。所以应选择C项。

注意:not... until结构倒装句与强调句的区别。原则是:强调不倒装,倒装不强调。

7. as / though 引导的让步状语从句

as / though引导的让步状语从句采用倒装结构,句型为“adj. / adv. / 动词原形 / 不带冠词的名词+as / though+主语+谓语”。

例10 (2009重庆卷) Unsatisfied _____ with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.

A. though was he B. though he was

C. he was though D. was he though

解析 句意:尽管对工资不满意,但为获得一些工作经验,他还是接受了这份工作。though引导状语从句可用倒装的形式,此句是主系表结构,倒装时将从句中的表语形容词unsatisfied置于句首,故B项正确。此句though引导,也可以不倒装,前半句也可写为:Though he was unsatisfied with the payment。

8. if 引导条件状语从句表虚拟语气,if省略引起的倒装

if引导条件状语从句用于虚拟语气,如将if省略,则将were, had或should提到句首,形成倒装形式。

例11 (2006湖北卷) _______ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.

A. Would you be B. Should you be

C. Could you be D. Might you be

解析 句意:万一你被解雇,你的医疗救助和其他方面的福利不会立即被取消。正确判断此题答案可以分两步:首先,弄清楚if条件句中根据时间确定的三种动词虚拟形式,即:had+过去分词(与过去有关),动词的过去式(与现在有关),did/were to do/should do (与将来有关);第二步:根据主句的时态可判断出从句动作与将来有关,所以要用与将来有关的虚拟,由此可选出正确答案为B项,相当于If you should be fired... 。

9. “adj./分词+be+主语”句型


Happy indeed are those who receive marvelous news after a long silence. 在漫长的静默等待后得到这么好的消息,那些人简直是乐坏了。

Sitting at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes. 坐在教室后面的是一个害羞的有着两只大眼睛的女孩。

Gone are the days when we used foreign oil. 我们用洋油的日子一去不复返了。



1. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my program. ____ me this evening is Dr. Gray.

A. To join B. Join C. Joined D. Joining

2. Out _____, with a stick in his hand.

A. did he rush B. rushed he C. he rushed D. he did rush

3. _____ you eat the correct foods _____ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. Only if; will you B. Only if; you will

C. Unless; will you D. Unless; you will

4. We laugh at jokes, but seldom _____ about how they work.

A. we think B. think we C. we do think D. do we think

5. John opened the door. There _____ he had never seen before.

A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood

C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl

6. Not until the motorbike looked almost new _____ repairing and cleaning it.

A. he stopped B. did he stop C. stopped he D. he did stop