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长路漫漫 第12期

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A Long Way from Anywhere

he seven-year-old girl sat quietly on the steps of the old, gray apartment 1)complex, waiting for her mommy and daddy to come down with the last few items that would fit into their 2)dilapidated, old Ford. She wrapped her torn and 3)stained blue blanket around her shoulders and 4)cuddled her handsome clown doll to her chest. Taking a deep breath, she blew out a sigh and watched her warm breath turn to crystal as it touched the early-morning air.

Here we go again, she thought. Another trip to who knows where.

Her bright blue eyes grew dark as her parents hurried down the stairs with only a few items.

“Where is Mr. Fuzzy Teddy?” she asked.

Without a word, Mommy gently 5)ushered the little girl into the backseat of the car. The child sat with her arms crossed. She knew another toy was being left behind because there “wasn’t room” for it. She had heard the line so many times she wondered why she still asked. The last time they’d moved, her favorite doll had been left behind. The time before that, her four-foot-long, green snake with the rainbow-colored spots.

Each time something was left behind, it felt like a piece of her heart had been 6)sliced off with a big, sharp 7)carving knife. Since she was an only child and had no friends, her toys were her 8)companions. To lose them was heart 9)wrenching, but she suffered in silence. If she said anything, Daddy would just feel bad and go even more quiet than normal.

As they drove away, a salty tear rolled down her 10)plump, pink cheek as she watched the red and green lights flashed by her window. It was Christmas Eve, and they were on the road again. She really thought that this year they were going to have a “real” Christmas. Mommy and she had put up a small tree they’d found out in the field. She had helped 11)decorate it with popcorn and paper stars. They had even placed a little 12)straw baby Jesus on one of the branches.

Now, they were driving away from the promise of Christmas. She wasn’t sure where they were going, only that they were heading in the direction of California. They always headed to California when the money was running out. Daddy had a sister there who always let him “borrow” money and let them stay with her a few days until Daddy could “get back 13)on his feet.”

As the 14)blustery day wore on, the little girl played in the backseat with her blanket, handmade clown doll, and a green, plastic jump rope with missing handles. Sitting on the edge of the Ford’s 15)tattered backseat, she’d drop the rope down a 16)rust hole in the floor right beneath her feet. With a little help from her fingers, she had made the hole big enough so that she could watch the rope dance as its end hit the road flashing by. It kept her quiet for hours.

As day rolled into stormy night, her stomach tied into a tighter and tighter 17)knot. Christmas would be here in no time, and they had no tree, no fireplace, and no place to stay so Santa could find her. Yet, she remained silent. Words were of no help when Daddy was 18)involved.

As night fell, they pulled into a small diner for dinner. They ordered two of the “specials,” which, in honor of the holiday, consisted of sliced turkey, 19)dressing, and mashed potatoes and 20)gravy. Everything tasted so good to her. She even got to share a piece of pumpkin pie with Mommy and Daddy. Maybe Christmas Eve on the road wasn’t so bad after all. At least they were together.

It was late by the time they’d finished dinner, washed up in the bathroom, and hit the road again. The tired child lay down on the backseat, curled up under her thin, blue blanket, and imagined the Christmas they would have next year. She pictured a big home with enough rooms so that everyone had their own special place. She saw a big Christmas tree 21)sparkling with hundreds of green, yellow, red, and blue lights. Silver 22)tinsel hung from every branch. Popcorn and paper chains encircled its limbs. Under the tree sat dozens of brightly colored packages, many of them with her name on them. In her mind she opened the biggest package and out popped a three-foot panda. She fell asleep with a smile on her face and a tear on her cheek.

Morning seemed to come early, and they were still driving. When she woke up, she felt the 23)chill of the icy outside air as it poured in from the hole in the floor and the 24)leaky windows. She wrapped the blanket closer around her shoulders, sat up, and crossed her legs under her to keep her feet warm. After 25)yawning and wiping the sleep from her eyes, she turned to look out the window.

There by her side lay a brand-new Mickey Mouse coloring book, and a box of 26)crayons. She picked up the toys without a word and just stared at them for a while.

“Mommy,” she finally said in a whisper.

“Yes,” her mom whispered back.

“Where did these toys come from?”

“Santa brought them,” she said.

“But how?”

“Santa always finds good little girls and boys even when they’re a long way from anywhere.”

The little girl sat back in the seat and played quietly for hours with her new toys.

That little girl was me, and I found out many years later that my mom and dad had stopped at a 27)convenience store and used their last two dollars to buy those toys. What should have been the worst Christmas of my life turned out to be the best Christmas, because my parents gave me more than toys. They gave me a belief in miracles.






















