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1. Basketball tryouts are coming up, and you've got your heart set on a starting position. You play your hardest on the court to impress the coach, but he doesn't choose you to be a first-string1) player. You

a) ask your coach if he'll work with you on the side. You're determined to be the best you can be.

b) are ashamed and consider quitting, but after talking to your friends about your feelings, you decide to stick it out2).

c) fume3). The coach just doesn't like you.

2. One of the most popular kids in your neighborhood is throwing a birthday party, and you are not invited.

a) Your feelings are hurt, but you decide to make a point of getting to know him better. Maybe you'll be on the invitation list next year.

b) You plan a party for the same night and invite all of his Facebook friends. He'll see who's more popular now!

c) You feel like an outcast4). You're sure you're destined for a life of friendlessness.

3. Your family goes on an annual camping trip every summer. It's one of your favorite traditions. But you've got a piano recital5) coming up. You've been practicing and your teacher says you're ready. But you think your piece needs a lot of work. You

a) go camping! A break might give you a fresh perspective.

b) go camping but don't enjoy it because you're stressing out about the recital the whole time.

c) stay home to practice. You have to get it just right!

4. You have a big English paper due in two weeks, and you know you're not the strongest writer. You

a) set aside6) time to tackle it right away. If you work slowly and steadily, you'll have plenty of time to revise7) it.

b) put it off until a week before the due date. Facing your shortcomings is just too overwhelming.

c) don't do it at all. What's the point if you'll just screw it up8)?

5. Your aunt encourages you to enter your best painting in a local contest. The judges are all artists you respect. You enter the contest, but your best friend wins.

a) You're disappointed but are happy for your friend's success. He deserves it.

b) You know you should be proud of your friend, but you're too upset.

c) You never paint again.

6. You fail a big social studies test. You've never gotten a grade so low before. You

a) ask your parents if you can have a few sessions with a tutor. You're sure to improve with a little help.

b) lie to your friends about your grade. You have to keep up appearances9).

c) feel like you're going to throw up10) and spend the entire weekend staring at the wall.

7. You really want the new iPod touch that just came out, but you know your parents won't buy it for you. You

a) start a dog-walking business so you can save up for it.

b) beg and beg and beg ... and beg. Maybe if you whine11) long enough, your parents will change their minds.

c) cry yourself to sleep. Without that iPod, you're absolutely nothing.









