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In most cases, activities adopted are task?鄄based approach, communicative approach, and constructionist approach, more or less, students in foreign language class attempt to create their target culture context by shaping the condition of communication, in the classroom the success of any communicative activity is heavily determined by the way the participants perceive the context of situation and shape it accordingly through their verbal and non?鄄verbal behavior. There are kinds of activities a teacher may choose for his students:

1. Duty?鄄presentation 6. Speech

2. Discussion 7. Writing essay

3. Dialogue 8. Games

4. Group work 9. News report

5. Summary 10. Semina

The activities discussed above have been put into practice in English classroom for one seamster. And it turned out that if properly chosen, can help to establish an diversified, nurturing and stimulating classroom culture. It’s a necessity for teachers to take deep consideration of these matters before each culture teaching as follows:

1.What’s the purpose of this culture teaching lesson?

2.What kind of activities could better aid teachers achieve the goal of this culture teaching lesson completely?

3.How to optimize the presentation of a culture teaching lesson?

4.How long the activities will last? How many students will be involved in?

5.How to integrate activities with the content of teaching?

6.How to design activities?

7.Teachers also can put forward many “if”…, that is to say, teachers should make considerate preparation for the side?鄄effects of activities:

If the activities can not arise students’ learning interest? If there are few students engaged in activities? If power failure or multimedia equipment abruptly can not work? If the task is not finished which has been assigned before class? After carry out the activities, if the results are beyond the anticipation?

All in all, the positive effects of this culture teaching model really deserve our attention.


This model is the combination of textbook, multimedia technology and cultural?鄄based classroom activities, as we all know that developing learner’s cross?鄄cultural communicative competence has been the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching. Thus, culture teaching is in vital need in FLT, just as what Stern (1992:223) said: Learners of English are physically and psychologically far removed from the reality of life in the target speech community. So our aim is to try to shorten the psychological distance by providing background and context which brings the speech community to life and helping the learners to visualize and vicariously experience that reality. This culture teaching model can be a good example to meet the needs of our society.


[1]Breen, M. (1985). Authenticity in the language classroom [J]. Applied Linguistics.

[2]Byram, M. & Morgan, C. Et al. (1994). Teaching?鄄and?鄄learning Language?鄄and?鄄culture [M]. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.

[3]Clair Kramsch. (2000). Language and Culture [M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社.

[4]陈申. (1998). 外语教学中的文化教学 [M]. 北京:北京语言文化大学出版社.

[5]顾嘉祖,陆. (2002). 语言与文化 [M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社.

[6]许力生. (2004). 跨文化交流入门 [M]. 杭州: 浙江大学出版社.



2.2 How to revise the textbook? ―Focus on create the contextual settings associated with textbooks.

For non?鄄English major students they like spent most of their time learning professional courses rather than learning English, mostly because they do not have much enthusiasm on it or to learn English has been already neglected. The coursebook is probably the only tool to study English. Besides cultural factors like culture values, cultural principles are scattered in the textbook, and are presented in the various ways. Some are presented in the footnote, and some are showed in the form of dialogue practices, even a certain reading material more often than not can be used as literature for cultural teaching. So it is the teachers’ responsibilities to scoop out the cultural contents in the teaching materials, and taking a careful consideration of students’ language ability, interest and needs in rectifying, selecting and using the coursebook.

The textbook is the platform that links language teaching and cultural teaching, teachers must attempt to create the contextual settings associated with textbooks, in other words, to create an authentic target language environment and provide for students to the cultural teaching to the maximum by the use of the textbook. The roles of teachers are organizer and conductor of classroom activities, there are a few of problems they have to consider carefully at any time of the teaching, like when preparing a lesson, or while a lesson. A few issues are presented as follows:

1.How to redesign, and rectified the textbook in order to integrate of language teaching;

2.How to select appreciate and authentic cultural contents from textbook;

3.How to scoop out valuable social cultural knowledge in order to make contrast to the native culture;

4.How to design authentic activities concerning the teaching material, for instance, make a summary of passage; authentic writing, reading, discussion, etc.

After consideration of our practical teaching circumstance, and limited lesson hours, it is a necessity for make use of the teaching coursebook effectively and efficiently. Traditionally, the teaching materials just tell students to say what and to do what, but have never tell them these words to whom to say, when to say and how to say, how to behave properly. So it is necessary and essential to make good use of teaching material, and establishing the social and communicative intercourse language environment. Therefore, a teacher should not depend too much on textbooks but regard them as teaching aids. In addition to textbooks, a teacher should use good teaching software, multimedia and other teaching resources effectively.

2.3 How to take full use of multimedia equipment? ―Pay attention to three principles―including variety, flexibility and creativity.

First we should know what are multimedia technologies? The answer is that they are not only written texts, but material in various media, including text, sound, and visual material. Multimedia is the visual aid and also auxiliary means of teaching, and school authority also advocate to use multimedia technology. Second we should know what benefits they will bring to us? The best answer is that by the implication of the multimedia is more advantageous to help create authentic and contextual environment, avoid tediousness and lifeless aroused from sole explanation, it meanwhile provides opportunity for students to see, feel and learn personally. In other words, through a system of window on computer screen and the user’s control of speed, direction, tracks, and scripts, learners can get as much lexical, grammatical, and informational help they need. (Kramch,1993) The multimedia technology is the most direct cultural teaching means, or say that they are the great helper for language acquisition, therefore making full use of multimedia technologies play an significant role in learning foreign language and effectiveness of multimedia technologies assist culture teaching.

The author explored the necessity and feasibility of using multimedia technology in assisting English culture teaching and combine with teaching practice, the writer found that the rapid development and wide application of multimedia technology have offered great challenges and opportunities for non?鄄English major students in higher education, the application of multimedia technology can greatly raise students’ learning interest and motivation, and they become more concerned with and concentrate on what they are taught, and they are apt to participate in the classroom activities, meanwhile, coursewares can be designed vividly and visually via multimedia technology, and a combination of graphic, textual, audio and video plus the access to the Internet can create authentic learning environment for culture teaching. In addition to, the content of culture teaching will also be broaden, including target country’s culture, politics, society, custom, geography, and humanities, etc.

There are three principles―including variety, flexibility and creativity, which are important for a teacher when he/she deals with multimedia technologies. Here are some points we should pay special attention to as follows:

1.How to design a good courseware and slide?

2.How to select useful video, audio and sound material? Some factors should be taken into consider to: length; content; question design…

3.How to organize classroom activities via multimedia technology? Such as:

(1)After watching a selective scene play, teacher choose one topic or theme concerning the material to design various activities: 1)Group discussion

2)Section dictation; essay adaption

3)Making comment

4)Writing informal essay

(2)Scenario dictation

(3)Situational simulation, dub

(4)Combination of video material, audio material, image and music

4.How to integrate with textbook?

5.How to tackle emergency in classroom during the class? For example: the power failure, students’ interest distraction, which both hinder the normal teaching…

In short, multimedia is a powerful blend of video, computers, sound and photography, that has been rightly called “a new kind of imaginary playground for the mind” (Rogers, 1988:44). The multimedia technologies are helpful for cultivating students’cultural awareness, it also increased the interactions between the teacher and students. Besides, most of the students in the experimental class showed a positive attitude towards this teaching model. Thus, it was necessary and feasible to use multimedia technology in assisting English culture teaching.

2.4How to design effective cultural?鄄based classroom activities?―Emphasize activities organized appropriate, reasonable and systematical

Just as we have discussed above, flexible use of teaching materials in class contribute to the success of a class, and feasible to use multimedia technology also attribute to a success of a class, and now we will discuss the properly designed activities are doing an equally important job in the success of a class. Activities based on culture are carefully designed with consideration of learners’ interests, need and the target culture. learners’participating in cultural activities, is a good way to learn the target culture, and also allow students more freedom to interact with each other. The learners can develop intercultural awareness and then acquire the cultural knowledge better and cultivate intercultural communicative competence gradually only when they are exposed to the target culture as frequently as possible.

At any rate, the foreign language classroom should become a “cultural island” (Peck, 1998), the culture cannot be learned in a few lessons about folk songs, celebrations or costumes of the area where the language is spoken, it is a much broader concept that is innately connected to many of the linguistic concepts which are taught in second language classes. Therefore cultural activities and the objectives of each activities should be carefully organized and incorporated into lesson plans to enrich the teaching content.