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摘 要:本文以英语应试写作为研究对象,以句子的结构、过渡、多样化和流畅性为研究重点,目的在于增强英语写作者的句子意识,提高单句写作质量,以期促进其写作水平的整体提升。

关键词:句子意识 单句质量

中图分类号:G63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-8882(2014)08-0-02



1. 13-15分档


While the Internet has greatly impacted how to learn,education doesn’t simply means learning to acquire information because of the following two factors. On one hand,education is very inclusive,so leaning to obtain message is usually a part of it. If we overemphasize students’ ability of acquiring information,we will fail to educate the young to be developed fully. On the other hand,it is only a passive way of learning to obtain information,which do not parallel to creative thinking that is essential for education.

2. 10-12分档


However,education will never simply mean learning to obtain information. There are several reasons for it. Firstly,education includes not only gaining more knowledge but also improving comprehensive skills. Secondly,information provided on the internet consists of positive and negative parts,and it’s difficult for you to make sure what you absorbed is useful. What’s more,education can be compared to a building while information makes the basis,necessary but uncomplete. We should absorb more things from our daily life and practical experience.

3. 7-9分档


But I firmly believe that we must learn in school even the Internet is fast and good. I trust that people can get a amount of information in Internet,in other words,education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information,Some reasons about it.

4. 4-6 分档


To sum up,I cling to believe that education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information. You think,where is the information come from? If we only learn how to obtain,it is bad for development and the information can’t grow. Once you know how to use Google or Baidu,maybe you will think the teacher have just taught you are not available. So it is bad for education from teacher.

5. 0-3分档


Tradition education can know knowledge of student. But tradition education learn in hige,example math,Chinese,ede. I can’t chose like knowledge. Many student think that all education I not need.


1. 句子结构


(误)Tradition education can know knowledge of student. But tradition education learn in hige,example math,Chinese,ede. I can’t chose like knowledge. Many student think that all education I not need.

(正)Traditional education is beneficial to all the students even though it needs depth learning,such as math,Chinese,etc. I can’t choose what I want to learn and many students think that the current education is not what they need.

2. 句子过渡


(误)Examinations remain as primitive as ever before. Our science and technology have become advanced in this modern society.

(正)Examinations remain as primitive as ever before no matter how advanced our science and technology have become in this modern society.

3. 句子多样化和流畅性




[1] 李琏,句子结构的意识对英语阅读和翻译的重要性[J]. 新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1998(04).

[2] 张兴华,大学英语写作实用教程[M]. 北京:光明日报出版社,2010.