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摘 要:“据”类介词在实际语言的交际中,虽不是一个很常用的格式,但在书面语言(说明文、文学作品、法律文书和商贸文件)中却是常用的格式。因此准确地将汉语中的“据”类结构翻译成英文,正确理解“据”结构中表主观、客观的意义就显得尤为重要。本文就“据”类介词结构语法意义及其英文常见的翻译做了简单的分析和归纳。

关键词:“据” 介词结构 主观 客观





“据”类介词通常用在名词、代词或词组前,表示动作所凭借、依据的对象(现代汉语孙汝建)。“根据”以某种事物或动作为前提或基础,引出前提或基础(现代汉语实用语法李裕德)。常见的“据”类结构:按、按照、依、依照、根据、照、在、就、正如等。“根据、按、按照”等表方式、方法、依据的静态介词,不能够充当主谓宾(实用现代汉语 袁彩云)。这些词后面的内容既可以概括侧重在介绍主观看法和介绍客观事实两个不同的方面。其中以介绍客观事实的例句居多,而接名词、人称代词的事例表主观看法的很少,仅占所查资料的0.08%。

1.在正式文体里“据”常见表客观事实的译法有:according to, in accordance with, on the company,in conformity with,on the grounds of,as regards to, in the light of ,in line with,quoted as, as,as follows, on the ground of, by结构等。“据”若译为accordingto,后面接人、书、报等,表示消息的来源或出处。其用法在正式语体中使用频率最高。且according to 作“根据某人意见,根据...报告”解时,此时不能与in line with或in accordance with等通用。


According to the plan adopted at the conference, the Central Government and all localities throughout the country will intensify their support to Tibet and help create even more favorable conditions for its development.

(From speech by Hu Jintao at the Rally in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet)

*“据”类后接动词表客观事实,也常用被动语态表达法It is/was + v-ed that形式,如:。


It is reported that the enemy were ten li away.

类似的还有“据闻(悉)……”It is learned that...;据推测……It is supposed that...;据估计(预计)It is estimated (predicated,calculated) that...等等。

*在文学作品中,“按”类常见的译法:on the company,in the light of,on the basis of,by,due to等。


On the company commander Shi Donggen’s instructions he was taking copies of the final version of the battle summary to each headquarters in turn――to battalion to regiment, to division, right up to Army headquarters...

(From Red Sun by Wu Qiang)


China’s affairs should be run in the light of China’s specific conditions and by the Chinese people themselves.

(Excerpts From the Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping)


It is the mark of great people to treat trifles as trifles and important matters as important .

(6) 列车按计划将于六点钟开出。

The train is due to leave at six.


It would be sinful ,in such a question,to follow the clew of profane philosophy .

(From The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne )

*在表示“根据/依照合同、规定、贸易规定”等时,according to 较口语化,in line with和in accordance with为书面语并且最为正式,所以一般不用according to。如:


The two countries agree to establish diplomatic relationship in accordance with the principle of peaceful co-existence .


Both parties unanimously hold that in accordance with the law of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment ,and in conformity with the principle of equality ,mutual benefit and cooperation ,it may be feasible to build a large ,modernized electronic factory.


The joint ventures shall,in line with related provisions of Chinese laws,commission accountants registered in China to audit and check their financial accounts.


1)The following interim procedures...are formulated according to the...

2) These rules are formulated pursuant to the Interim Regulation of the People’s Republic of China...

3) ...these measures are formulated based on...

4)Pursuant to the constitution ,this law is enacted for the purpose of...



In accordance with the Special Pardon Order issued by the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China on September 17th,1959,this court has investigated the case of the“Manchukuo” war criminal Aisin-Gioro PuYi.

3.“据”表主观看法的翻译与其客观事实的译法基本相似:有according to, in accordance with ,on the company,等


According to my observation ,she is enthusiastic ,cooperative and cheerful.

4.商贸中“据”类的翻译有:according to, as per, as,for,on,in according to/with,quote,comply with等。


According to our usual practice we prefer our export shipment to be insured by the People’s Insurance Company of China.

(14) 根据你方要求,我们按发票金额的110%支付保险。

On your instructions ,we have covered the insurance for 110% of the invoice value .


Based on China’s percentage / Calculated according to China’s percentage



It was better for promising young people in love to be a bit careful.

(From Builder’s of New Life by Liu Qing)


“据”引申结构主要指介宾短语后直接出现动词的情况,即“据”后面接人名、人称代词等名词,再接表动作动词或心理的动词如“说、讲、看、了解、估计、预测”等词的模式。这些结构多是表示主观看法,所索引的事例406句,表主观看法的事例362句,占总语料库的89.2%。“据”引申结构有:据……看/说、依……看/说、在……看来、就……而言、正如……说、就……看来,对……而言等,当然,“据”类还包括“基于、鉴于”等。常见的译法有according to;based on;in sb.’s opinion;as far as sb/sth is concerned;for;on;concerning;quoted as;to等。

1.表客观事实的翻译常用according to, based on, as for,as regard to, to等

(17) 梅生死后不久,我收到一个远房亲戚的信,按辈分来说,这人我们该叫他姑夫……

Not long after Meisheng’s death,I received a letter from a distant relative whom, according to family custom we addressed as “uncle”.

(From My Family by Tao Cheng)


As regards to eating and drinking, there is no such issue of “globalization”.If there is, it must be found out of nothing.

(A Psychoanalys s of Fast Foods by Shen Hongfei)



As far as I know,students in the primary and middle schools are generally loaded with too much schoolwork for the entrance examinations, but they will relax quite a lot in their efforts as soon as they come into the University.

(From Is Your Teacher Strict by Zhang Yixing)


In my opinion, off-position is the natural result of economical and technological development, which requires people to be competitive and professional.

*在口语中,作评论时“依我看”可译作I must say.

(21) 依我看,那可太愚蠢了。

Well ,that’s daft, I must say.


“据”类结构在中文领域里有其重要性,在跨文化交际中很值得研究与探索。本文中,笔者广泛收集相关资料并对此类结构做了简要的介绍与概括。其中“据”类翻译以according to,in light of, on the basis of, in line with, as分句,in one’s opinion,in conformity with,on,等形式居多。借此文给大家一个参考,以便使大家对“据”类翻译有个更深刻的了解,从而不需过分拘于形式,根据具体情况对此结构进行变通,使中国的汉字文化更体现出其文化底蕴。










