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龟兔赛跑 第2期

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A Race between a Tortoise and a Hare

A hare(兔子) met a tortoise (乌龟)on the road .The hare walked, ran and jumped; the tortoise could only creep (爬行).

The hare was very proud (骄傲)and said to the other animals, “Look at the tortoise, his body is so small ,his legs are so short, he can only creep. I lift my feet to take a little walk, he must creep for a whole day.”

The tortoise said, “Yes, you are bigger and taller, your legs are longer, But you're proud, this is your shortcoming(短处,缺点).I think I may be first if we run a race(赛跑).”

“Ha! Ha! Little tortoise, you know yourself(你自己)so little. You cannot run, you can only creep, how can you run a race with me?”the hare said. “Well, we'll see,”said the tortoise.

When the animals knew the hare and the tortoise would run a race, some animals said,“Sure, the tortoise can never run a race with the hare.”But others said,“The hare is too proud, if the hare wins(赢) the race, he will not learn anything.”


1. What did the hare say about the tortoise?

2. What did the tortoise say about the hare?

3. What did the animals say about the race?

4. Do you think the hare was too proud?

5. What do you think of the race between a hare and a tortoise?

The next morning, the birds came, the ducks and chickens came, the little cats and dogs came, the monkeys, the elephants, the pandas---all the animals came. They wanted to know who would win the race. Before the tortoise and the hare began their race, an elephant stood up and said,“I'll be the judge(裁判)ofyour race, you start from here, run along the big lake and get back before night. The first back here will be champion(冠军).”

The hare and the tortoise began running: the tortoise crept(creep―crept) slowly(慢慢地),the hare ran and jumped very fast (很快地).When the hare had run half way, he stopped and looked back. He couldn't see any sign(痕迹) of the tortoise. The hare thought,“I'd like to have a nap(小睡)and wait(等待)for the tortoise. I need only one jump, I can be champion.”The hare lay down(躺下)and had a nap.“At twelve'clock, the tortoise crept to the place where the hare was sleeping; the tortoise didn't stop, he went on creeping. Nearly three hours later, the tortoise got back to the place where they had started; but when the hare came, it was already evening.”

Who won the race in the end?


1.Why did all the animals come to watch the race?

2.Who ran fast?

3.When the hare wanted to have a nap, what did he think?

4.Why didn't the tortoise have a nap?

5.Why could the tortoise win the race?








