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当主语是动作的执行者时,要用主动语态; 而当主语是动作的承受者时,则要用被动语态。对于被动语态这一语法点,许多同学觉得难以把握,下面我们将攻其“要害”来“降服”它!


助动词be +及物动词的过去分词




She wasn’t invited to the party.



The house was washed away by the flood.



The robot was invented by him.



主、被动语态互换方法:(1)主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。(2)主动语态的主语变为被动语态中介词by的宾语(有时可省略)。(3) 谓语动词由主动变为被动时,基本结构为“be + 该动词的过去分词”,随着时态和人称的不同,be 的形式也不同。例如:

He makes the beautiful cards. (主动句)

The beautiful cards are made by him. (被动句)

特别提示:(1)在主动语态中作谓语的动词短语应被看作一个整体,变为被动语态时不能去掉其中的介词或副词,常见的有 look after, take care of, laugh at, look at, turn on, talk about, listen to, make fun of等。例如:

Someone turned off the light.

The light was turned off (by someone).

People often make fun of him.

He is often made fun of.

(2) 接双宾语的动词变被动语态时可以有两种形式,通常以人为主语的形式较多。这样的动词已经学过的有 bring, buy, offer, pass, give, send, show, make 等。例如:

She showed us some photos.

We were shown some photos(by her).(较常用)

Some photos were shown to us (by her).

Mother bought us a big present.

We were bought a big present by Mother.

A big present was bought for us by Mother.

(3) 有些动词,如see, hear, feel, watch, make, let, help 在主动语态中常接不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,变为被动语态时则要加上to。例如:

She helped him look for his key.

He was helped to look for his key (by her).



1. The Great Wall ________ (know) by people all over the world.

2. The(算盘)________(invent)by Chineseinthe sixth century.

3. It’s said that the bridge ________(build) in two months.

4. He is ill and a doctor must _________(send) for.

5. I think the middle school students should __________ (not give) too much pocket money.


6. People plant many trees here every year.

Many trees ________ ________ here every year.

7. We shouldn’t laugh at the disabled people.

The disabled people shouldn’t _______ _______ ______.

8. He gave me a book for my birthday.

I _______ ________ a book for my birthday (by him).

A book _______ ______ ______ ______ for my birthday (by him).

9. We saw the man enter the office.

The man _______ _______ ______ ______ the office.

10. Jim’s family kept many sheep around the house.

Many sheep ______ ______ byJim’sfamilyaroundthe house.


1. is known2. was invented3. will be built4. be sent

5. not be given6. are planted7. be laughed at8. was given;was given to me9. was seen to enter10. were kept