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专练七 多项选择

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1. With good treatment and care, Professor Smith unbelievably from heart attack in a week.

A. remained B. returned

C. retired D. recovered

2. ― You look unhappy. Why?

― I’m always when I don’t get any mail.

A. confused B. fearful

C. upset D. doubtful

3. Smoking can you from upset, stress, frustration and anger.

A. calm; down B. put; down

C. calm; up D. put; up

4. It was in this very lab was in the charge of Professor Smith they did the experiment.

A. where; that B. which; that

C. which; where D. that; where

5. The woods and the newly-dug river through the campus the beauty of this world-known university.

A. add up B. add to

C. are added up D. are added to

6. One may never know the of knowledge without being educated.

A. power B. force

C. energy D. strength

7. In warmer areas, the local people have their houses made almost of stones: the walls, the roofs and the floors.

A. finally B. possibly

C. entirely D. exactly

8. He never lies and has a strong for liars because of his honesty.

A. dislike B. situation

C. trouble D. doubt

9. The waiter is pleased that he has got more from the customers than he expected.

A. items B. tips

C. suitcases D. bases

10. There was time Iraq was one of the strongest countries in the world.

A. a; when B. a; that

C. the; that D. the; when

11. ― Do you need any help, Lucy?

― Yes. The job is I could do myself.

A. less than B. more than

C. no more than D. not more than

12. It is the fourth time that she you in a week.

A. rings B. has rung

C. has been ringing D. is ringing

13. His was so strong that I couldn’t understand a word he was saying.

A. noise B. voice

C. accent D. sound

14. I didn’t my primary school classmate Jane until I listened to her self-introduction.

A. know B. recognize

C. find D. realize

15. It turned out that one of the children I thought a girl was a boy.

A. specially B. usually

C. especially D. actually

16. Ellen is in both English and French, which gives her an advantage over others.

A. practical B. grateful

C. exact D. fluent

17. Mr Green goes to the park for a walk with some friends after supper.

A. frequently B. immediately

C. completely D. finally

18. Of these two basketball teams, the former comes from the US; the comes from England.

A. late B. later

C. latter D. lately

19. ― What is the language of India?

― English.

A. entire B. native

C. official D. normal

20. I’ve asked several people what happened, but no one will give me a answer.

A. loose B. native

C. latter D. straight

21. Even on holidays rather than nothing, Pro. Li preferred to read newspapers.

A. to do B. doing

C. do D. done

22. She was so that she wouldn’t give in until she received a full apology.

A. simple B. lucky

C. stubborn D. proper

23. ― Time . It’s likely that we’ll miss the deadline.

― Don’t worry. We have already got through 80% of the job.

A. is running out B. has run out

C. is being running out D. has been run out

24. The old worker insisted that he old, and back to the working post again.

A. wasn’t; be sent B. wasn’t; was sent

C. be not; send D. isn’t; sent

25. Age and experience will be factors in our choice of candidates.

A. determine B. determining

C. determined D. being determined

26. Doctors the old man not to smoke so much, but he just couldn’t give it up.

A. persuaded B. promised

C. accepted D. advised

27. Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance, but her trembling voice .

A. gave her away B. gave her out

C. gave her in D. gave her up

28. With the help of the whole world, the people of the earthquake-hit areas overcame the difficulty they met with.

A. happily B. finally

C. nearly D. hardly

29. I’m willing to go to work in a faraway village after I from university.

A. hear B. learn

C. remove D. graduate

30. The star has got a busy since she won the first place in the games so we can’t have a talk with her.

A. accent B. identity

C. schedule D. expression

31. ― Many people are suffering from the earthquake.

― I see. Food and clothes should be sent to them .

A. on purpose B. at present

C. right away D. ever since

32. After World War Ⅱ, many of the cities across western European countries .

A. lied in ruin B. lay in ruins

C. lay in ruin D. lying in ruins

33. In a sudden of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.

A. crack B. burst

C. move D. change

34. The lifeboat was sent out to the sailors from the sinking ship.

A. shelter B. rescue

C. escape D. trap

35. It everyone to hear all of the villagers behind the mountain were killed in the earthquake.

A. suffered B. shocked

C. persuaded D. destroyed

36. They’re rich now, but they still live

they were poor.

A. as if B. even though

C. so that D. ever since

37. It was reported that the houses were destroyed in the earthquake.

A. a great deal of B. a great number of

C. a large quantity of D. a great many of

38. Mary her great sadness when she learned that the earthquake left her hometown in ruins.

A. expressed B. judged

C. suggested D. told

39. , the headmaster rose to indicate that the conversation was .

A. At an end; in an end

B. In the end; at an end

C. In an end; at the end

D. At an end; in the end

40. from what he did, he isn’t a person to depend on.

A. Speaking B. Judging

C. Judged D. Telling

41. If you are willing to support Mr Lee, you can for him at the meeting tomorrow.

A. vote B. go

C. wait D. care

42. All the people should be kept , though they are from different countries and aren’t in the same colours.

A. straight B. equal

C. loose D. reliable

43. Though he killed a boy, he was to 20 years’ imprisonment instead of death because of his good attitude and active help in breaking the case.

A. sentenced B. reported

C. given D. attacked

44. Rick’s father was a old man who wasn’t willing to spend a penny on his sons.

A. generous B. kind

C. selfless D. mean

45. Only people can have a good understanding of the lecture given by the scientist.

A. devoted B. generous

C. educated D. reliable

46. I visited the university last week studied.

A. then B. which

C. where D. that

47. The robber, who had come home last month after his release, robbed again, but couldn’t being caught by the policemen half an hour later.

A. choose B. protect

C. escape D. consider

48. We all agree that the products of this factory are of better .

A. quantity B. principal

C. identity D. quality

49. The time he has devoted in the past ten years the disabled is now considered of great value.

A. to help; being B. to helping; to be

C. to help; to be D. helping; being

50. As a(n) his contribution to botany, Joseph Banks had a flower named after him.

A. reward for B. reward with

C. award for D. award with

51. He quickly after his operation, which made his wife feel happy.

A. recovered B. uncovered

C. discovered D. covered

52. the snow disaster in the early year 2008, many people couldn’t return to their home to stay with their families.

A. Because B. Because of

C. As D. Since

53. Most people here don’t really understand what is happening here.

A. actually B. clearly C. rarely D. lately

54. Both Chinese and European applicants(应聘者) must have a good of the English language when they want to find a good job.

A. identity B. direction

C. command D. order

55. People are different in their attitudes towards failure. Some are faced with it bravely, but others lose heart and .

A. give off B. give in

C. give away D. give out

56. The reason we Jane so much is because she lost his parents recently.

A. bring about B. care about

C. come about D. talk about

57. Then the tears out of my eyes, and I could say no more for a good while.

A. took B. burst

C. bought D. broke

58. This does not mean that the earthquake is, and the worse one will follow.

A. at an end B. at the end

C. by the end D. in the end

59. In the world, there are always people who are not national development, but try to destroy social order.

A. devoting in B. devoted in

C. devoting to D. devoted to

60. There were foreign students in the school, most were from Japan.

A. whom B. of them

C. of them D. of whom