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A Japanese railway company has started testing what it says is the world’S fastest train, capable of speeds of over 360 kilometers an hour. The new train is a development of the famous1)Shinkansenor1)2)bullet trainsystem.


TThe World's Fastest Train

For years now, the world’s fastest trains, operating in Japan and France, have been stuck at a 3)maximum operating speed of around 300 kilometers an hour ― in fact the latest Japanese bullet trains travel a bit slower than their 4)predecessors, the 5)emphasis of the designers being more on 6)smoothness and economy. Now JR East, the country’s largest railway company, has 7)unveiled a much faster train, capable of 8)sustained speeds of around 360 kilometers an hour.

The new train, which has been displayed in a 9)dazzling teal color, looks very similar to the 10)streamlined models already running on Japan’s high-speed railways, except for one unusual feature ― extra emergency brakes in the form of cat’s ears that rise from the roof of the carriages ― this, a response to the 11)derailment of a bullet train after an earthquake last year.

The testing will be extensive ― the new train won’t go into service for six years. Strictly speaking, it isn’t the world’s fastest ― that honor goes to 12)magnetically-levitated trains which 13)literally float above the track on an 14)enormous 15)magnetic field ― and yes, the fastest of those is also Japanese, an experimental model that has hit speeds of close to 600 kilometers an hour.

But only one 16)maglev network is in operation today ― a German system, built in Shanghai ― and it only covers the 30 kilometers from the airport to the city. The technology is so 17)prohibitively expensive that 18)conventional railways are likely to dominate inter-city travel for many more years.




