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iterature is a landscape on the desk; a landscape is literature on the earth. Shengxu: one necessary qualification for each. Writing must have sinuous grace before it can be compared with a landscape, and a landscape must have pleasant turns and surprises before it can be compared with writing.

Winter is good for reading the classics, for one’s mind is more collected. Summer is good for reading history, for one has plenty of time. Autumn is good for reading the ancient philosophers, because of the great diversity of thoughts and ideas. Finally, spring is suitable for reading literary works, for in spring one’s spirit expands.

The benefit of reading varies directly with one’s experience in life. It is like watching the moon. A young reader seems to watch it through a single crack, a middle-aged reader from an enclosed courtyard, and an old man from an open terrace, with a complete view of the entire world.

One who can read the wordless book of life should be able to write striking lines; one who understands the truth which is difficult to express by words is qualified to grasp the highest Chan wisdom.

It is more profitable to re-read some old books than to read new ones, just as it is better to repair and add to an old temple than to build one entirely new.

First study the classics, then history. Then one has a deeper central point of view. Then one can go back to the classics again, when one will not be satisfied with merely beautiful phrases.

Next to the author of a good book is the man who makes a good commentary on it.

One should discipline oneself in the spirit of autumn and live with others in the spirit of spring.

Blessed are those who have time to read, money to help others, the learning and ability to write, who are not bothered with gossip and disputes, and who have friends learned and frank with advice.

Young people should have the wisdom of the old, and old people should have the heart of the young.

A man must not be fastidious about other things, but he must be about reading. He must not be greedy, except in buying books. He should not be a confirmed addict, except in the habit of doing good and helping others.