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[摘要] 目的 对杭州地区50岁以上人群髋部骨折危险因素进行调查。 方法 调查对象为本市收集的髋部骨折患者1 239例,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析,采用自行设计的调查表格对调查对象进行调查,使用统计学方法对结果进行处理。 结果 髋部骨折女性高于男性,但是经过统计学分析发现其差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。自行摔倒的患者数在所有的致伤原因中居于首位,高处坠落伤的患者数在所有的致伤原因中最低。调查对象髋部骨折与既往骨折、家族骨折、腰背疼、骨质疏松、服用糖皮质激素呈显著的正相关,与户外活动、喝牛奶、喝酸奶、吃豆制品呈显著的负相关。此外,吸烟也是男性髋部骨折的一个危险因素。 结论 各种髋部骨折患者的危险因素对于医务人员治疗措施的制定,降低髋部骨折患者的死亡率及伤残率具有非常重要的意义。

[关键词] 老年人;髋部骨折;危险因素

[中图分类号] R683.3 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673—9701(2012)25—0011—02

Survey of the hip fracture risk factors for population over age of 50 in Hangzhou

SHEN Jiali

Department of Orthopedics, the First People’s Hospital of Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310006, China

[Abstract] Objective To survey the crowd of hip fracture risk factors in the Hangzhou region over the age of 50 years old. Methods 1 239 cases with hip fracture were selected in our city. We analyzed the clinical data, self—designed survey, using statistical methods to deal with the results. Results Co mpared with men, the hip fractures of women were higher, but there were no significant differences in statistical analysis (P > 0.05). The primacy of patients were the on their own fall in all the causes of injury, the number of patients injured in falls in the lowest of all causes of injury. Survey of hip fracture previous fracture, family fracture, low back pain, osteoporosis taking glucocorticoids showed a significant positive correlation with outdoor activities, milk, yogurt, eat soy products, had a significant negative correlation. Smoking was also a risk factors of male hip fracture. Conclusion Variety of hip fractures in patients with risk factors for the treatment of the medical staff and reduced mortality and disability rates of hip fracture patients had a very important significance.

[Key words] Elderly; Hip fracture; Risk factors


1 对象与方法

1.1 调查对象

调查对象为收集本市的居住时间>10年的髋部骨折患者1 239例,年龄均在50岁以上,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析。

1.2 调查方法

采用本单位自行设计的调查表格,其内容包括以下几个方面:①调查对象基本信息的调查,如性别、年龄等;②对调查对象的既往病史进行调查;③对于患病治疗情况及其临床症状进行调查;④如果调查对象为女性,要对其月经及其生育史进行调查。调查开始前要集中培训调查组的成员,使其对调查内容、目的及意义理解透彻,调查时要求调查对象填写调查表格,如果调查对象受教育程度较低或者是不方便自行填写,则由调查人员根据调查表格的内容进行询问后代为填写。本次共发放调查表格1 239份,回收表格1 239分,有效回收率为100%。