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China has got a good _______ for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization. [2009年高考安徽卷]

A. reputationB. influence

C. impressionD. knowledge

【简析】A 考查抽象名词具体化。“get a good reputation”表示赢得好名声。influence“影响力,权力,势力”;impression“印象;感想”;knowledge “知识;认识;知道,了解;消息”。


For many Beijingers, dreams of living in_____green area are becoming____reality.

A. a;a B. the;the C.不填;不填 D.不填;a

【简析】A 考查了学生对抽象名词具体化的掌握。抽象名词或物质名词前或后加上表示性质类别的修饰词,指概念的“一种”“一类”“一次”等时,可用不定冠词,例如:Physics is a science.


Washing machines made by China have won worldwide attention and Haier has becomepopular name. [2009年高考重庆卷]

A. a;theB. /;a C. /;the D. the;a

【简析】B考查冠词与抽象名词。worldwide attention“世界的关注”为抽象名词,看做不可数。第二空表示海尔成为一种很受欢迎的品牌。


Some people fear that _______air pollution may bring about changes in_______weather around the world. [2009年高考江西卷]

A. /; theB. the; / C. an; theD. the; a

【简析】A 考查冠词用法。air pollution 是抽象名词,这里是泛指,weather是特指全球的气候,根据the weather around the world可知。

In order to find_______better job, he decided to study______second foreign language. [2009年高考四川卷]

A. the;a B. a;aC. the;theD. a;the

【简析】B该题的意思是:为了找到一个更好的工作,他决定再学习另外一门外语。第一空表示泛指;第二空用“a +序数词+名词”表示 “又一,再一”。


有无冠词含义有别,这种现象常常是一些固定搭配,学习时可通过对比记忆。如:out of question 毫无疑问的,out of the question 不可能的;take place发生,take the place (of) 代替;two of them 他们中的两个,the two of them 他们两个;by day 在白天,by the day 按天计算;on earth 究竟,on the earth 在地球上等。



The ______ shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into _______ car. [2009年高考江西卷]

A. girl’s; Tom’sB. girls’; Toms’

C. girls’; Tom’sD. girl’s; Toms’

【简析】C 名词所有格形式。根据题干后半部分的them可知对应复数girls。


The ______is just around the corner and you won’t miss it.

A. bicycle’s shopB. bicycle shop

C. bicycles shopD. bicycle’ shop

【简析】B 考查名词作定语。在此bicycle是起修饰作用的名词,不表示所有关系而表示类别,且名词作定语须用单数形式,故bicycle shop正确。


1.某些集体名词,如:family,team,class,club,audience,committee,crowd,government,party,public,enemy,group,population,couple等作主语时,如果作为一个整体看,谓语动词用单数;如果作为成员讲,谓语动词用复数。某些集体名词,如:people,police,cattle等,只有复数形式,谓语动词须用复数。如:The police are searching for him.警察们正在搜寻他。但people作民族讲时,用作单数。


The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without anywhen the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April, 2009.[2009年高考福建卷]

A. delayB. effortC. schedule D. consideration

【简析】A 名词词义辨析。delay:耽搁,延误;effort:努力;schedule:时间表;consideration:考虑,体谅;关心。题干意思是:当甲型H1N1流感2009年4月袭击墨西哥时,世界卫生组织毫不犹豫地向人们提出了警告。


1.Young as he is, David has gained_____rich experience in ______ society.

A. 不填;不填B. the;the

C. a;不填 D.不填;the

2.People regard the wheel as ______invention of the first importance in_____ human history.

A. an;the B. an;不填

C. the;the D. the;不填

3.Mr Stock,who is in Mexico on,runs small business.

A. business;aB. business;不填

C. the business;a D. business;不填

4.______on-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is_______ major concern of the country.

A. The;不填B. The;a

C. An;the D. An;不填

5. ――He says that my new car is a _____of money.

――Don’t you think those words are just sour grapes?

A. lackB. loadC. question D. waste

6.Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in____ public places.

A. the;theB. 不填;不填

C. the;不填 D. 不填;the

7._______ it is to go swimming on such a hot day!

A. What fun B. How fun

C. What a fun D. How a fun

8.The dress is nice but she doesn’t like the ______on the material.

A. shape B. sizeC. modelD. pattern

9._______of the solar eclipse(日全食) has aroused great interest across Asia and the____“eclipse” has quickly been the hottest click on the Internet.

A. A word;wordsB. The word;word

C. Word;word D. Words;word

10.Though I spoke to him many times,he never took any _____of what I said.

A. remark B. observation

C. attentionD. notice

11. Last night the president made a speech on TV to the ______.

A. countryB. state C. 1and D. nation

12. The old house belongs to _______.

A. Jack’s and his brother

B. Jack’s and his brother’s

C. Jack and his brother’s

D. Jack and his brother

13. The young student is______as a writer.It’s ______ to all his teachers.

A. success;surpriseB. a success;surprise

C. success;a surprise D. a success;a surprise

14. My mother’s______is getting grey,but my father has only a few grey ________.

A. hairs;hairB. hair;hairs

C. hair;hair D. hairs;hairs

15. We’ll have PE this afternoon but I forgot to bring my _______ .

A. sports clothesB. sport clothes

C. clothes of sports D. sport’s clothes

Keys:1-5 ABABD6-10 CADCD11-14 DCDBA