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摘 要:针对转炉出钢延迟的炼钢连铸重调度问题,以开工时间、加工时间以及加工机器的差异度和同一炉次相邻设备间的等待时间的差异化最小为目标建立了动态约束满足模型,提出了基于约束满足和断浇修复的重调度算法。算法通过变量和值选择规则依次对变量赋值,利用冲突识别与解消规则识别赋值过程中产生的冲突并予以解消冲突;在形成的准可行调度中,利用断浇修复启发式规则修复连铸机的断浇现象。仿真实验模拟了3组均匀分布随机产生的延迟时间量,所得目标值分别为0.15,0.28和0.51。结果表明延迟时间量的大小对目标函数值有一定影响,所提算法能够最大限度地满足生产的实时性和稳定性的需求。


中图分类号: TP399


Rescheduling algorithm for steelmaking and continuous

casting based on dynamic constraint satisfaction

HOU Dong-liang1,2,3*, LI Tie-ke1,2

1.Dongling School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;

2.Engineering Research Center of Manufacturing Execudon System Technology for Iron and Steel Production,

Ministry of Education, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;

3.Faculty of Engineering, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang Guangdong 524088, China


A rescheduling problem of steelmaking-continuous casting with tapping tardiness was studied in this paper. And a dynamic constraint satisfaction model was established to minimize the difference of the starting time, processing time and processing machine and waiting time of the heat between the adjacent equipment. According to this model, a local repair algorithm based on dynamic constraint satisfaction techniques and interrupted-cast repair rules was put forward. In this method, variable selection and value selection rules were used to assign one value to a variable. The conflict identification and elimination principles were used to identify and eliminate the conflicts in the assignment. The interrupted-cast repair heuristic rule was used to repair the interrupted-casts in a continuous casting machine. In this experiment, three groups of random data with a uniform distribution were generated. Target values were 0.15, 0.28 and 0.51. The results demonstrate that the size of the delay time has a certain influence on target value and the algorithm can satisfy the needs of real-time and stability as much as possible.

英文关键词 Key words:

schedule repair; dynamic constraint satisfaction; rescheduling; steelmaking and continuous casting

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综上所述,本文将转炉出钢延迟转化为机器能力变化的动态事件,进而将该扰动下的炼钢连铸重调度问题映射为动态约束满足问题(Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problem, DCSP),并建立动态约束满足模型;提出基于约束满足和断浇修复的重调度算法对其进行求解。