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On the evening of the 7th day of the 7th month on the Chinese lunar calendar[阴历], look carefully at the sky and you will, weather permitting, see the Cowherd[牛郎] (a bright star in the constellation[星座] Aquila[天鹰座], west of the Milky Way[银河]) and the Weaving Maid (the star Vega[织女星], east of the Milky Way) appear closer together than at any other time of the year.

The Chinese believe these stars are lovers. A legend tells how the Weaving Maid, the 7th daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, fell in love with and married a cowherd. The couple lived very happily, but the Emperor of Heaven was disgruntled[不高兴] with the absence[缺席] of her 7th daughter and ordered her to return home in Heaven. He separated the couple on the opposite banks of the Silver River (Milky Way), allowing them to reunite[相聚] only once a year, that is, on the night of the 7th day of the 7th month. It is said that on that night, magpies[喜鹊] form a bridge with their wings in order that the couple can meet each other.

The legend has been handed down for nearly two millennia[千年]. In China, this day is known as "The Begging Festival?or Chinese Valentine Day. It is an important day for girls. On that evening, they prepare melons[瓜] and fruits prior to engaging in worship[礼拜] and praying[祈祷] that their wishes for a good marriage will come true. Chinese Valentine's Day traditions abound[丰富] and this special day is celebrated differently depending on which province you are in.


