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圆的联想 第11期

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about Round objects

Round object becomes the representative of perfection in the heart of people with its soft, graceful, and symmetrical lines and its smooth shape. It stands for good luck, so it gives people infinite happiness of success.

However, have you ever noticed that, things with such perfect appearance always make people disappointed or sad? The changes of the moon often give people mixed feelings. In a month, there’s only one day for it to have a completely round shape which gives people a feeling of success, reunion and happiness. But in the rest of the time, it means more or less sorrow or gloominess. There's another example. Football, with round shape and mixed black-white color, shows somewhat mysterious and serious. Playing football is considered an almost perfect sport game in many people's view. Not only it challenges the limit of human physical stamina, but also it shows the sturdiness and flexibility of the human body, and inspires the instinct of cooperation and trust in each other. We can't deny that football has diminished the world. But it is also true that football makes people weep most. People's mood is connected completely with the destiny of football matches. When the team they support wins , they burst into tears; when loses ,they are so despairingly sad that they also burst into tears .In a match , the team getting the upper hand can not always win, and sometimes the weaker team may defeat the stronger rival .How magic the round object is!

This is the very mystery of round object. In terms of thing with edges and corners ,you can control them easily as long as you find an appropriate angle. But round object is quite different. It doesn't provide you with any convenience to“play the market?nor does it let out a single method on how to master it. Once you are a little careless, it will escape away, then it might roll back again unexpectedly. You needn't worry about whether what you have done is perfect or not ,because the result is not so important. And round objects look all the same from any angle, don't they? When you draw a circle, what’s important is you have done it and that you have gone all the way back to the starting point .Whether you win with a terrific accomplishment or fail with a faulty stroke, it is not so important .Whatever round object it is , it means success that you have achieved and hope that you can draw it better next time.

Balls are round, the moon is round, too. Sometimes ,they make us really sad. But generally speaking ,the hope they give us is far more than sadness. For example, If the moon is not round today, we can wait till tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow ,because it has the day to be round without any doubt. If we lose in a football match ,we can practice it much harder, because no pays ,no gains. Who can be sure that it is absolutely impossible for us to win next tine if we put our determination into practice?

The beauty of the round object lies in people's hope and longing for it , as well as in its difficulty to be perfect and the possibility of being perfect.

(Xu Jingsi)




