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摘要: 哈佛大学本科人才培养模式――“全人”的教育;芝加哥大学本科人才培养模式――“益智厚生”;普林斯顿大学本科人才培

>> 美国顶尖大学本科人才培养理念制度借鉴 普林斯顿大学本科人才培养模式的特点及启示 美国的工资区制度及借鉴 美国排污许可制度经验及借鉴 美国研究型大学本科教学改革的经验与理念 美国电子商务人才培养模式及借鉴 美国高校创新人才培养模式及借鉴 耶鲁大学本科人才培养模式探析 美国“常春藤”人才培养理念对大学生进行职前素质培养的启示 论现代大学的人才培养理念 美国价格听证制度借鉴 浅析稻盛和夫哲学人才培养理念体系及方法 大学变革的理念、结构与制度 美国金融监管改革方案的制度框架及借鉴价值分析 悉尼大学学前教育专业本科人才培养方案:特点及启示 创新型新闻传播本科人才培养的理念与实践 基于CDIO教育理念的旅游管理本科专业人才培养模式研究 基于社会责任理念的会计学本科人才培养模式探讨 “应用型、复合型” 法学本科人才培养的基本理念 创新人才培养理念 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

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Undergraduate Talent Training in American Top Universities: Philosophy, Institution and Reference

XUAN Tian-ying YANG Cheng

Abstract: The research will focus on the case study of American university. They are Harvard University undergraduate talent training mode “holistic education”, the university of Chicago undergraduate talent training mode “Crescat scientia, vita excolatur”, Princeton University undergraduate talent training mode “value fundamental, emphasize inter-discipline”. The research suggests the undergraduate talent training mode in America, from three perspectives, talent training philosophy, training system and curriculum. The university is a place to teach general knowledge. It should realize the combination of general education and professional education. The core function of university is educating students. It should guarantee the important status of undergraduate educating by institutional constraints. The university needs to provide power for the progress of society and create value for society development. The purpose of university is in pursuit of people's freedom. University education is freedom education and educate for freedom.

Key words: American top university; undergraduate education; talent training