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I wasn?蒺t a thief

One day I went out and left my key at home. When I came back,I couldn?蒺t get in because my wife was away staying with her friends. I had to break a window,so I found a big stone. There was a great noise when I broke the glass,and I had to be careful when I reached through to turn the handle(把手). I was just climbing in when a deep voice said,“What do you think you?蒺re doing?”It was a policeman. My neighbour heard the breaking glass and called the police. It took quite a long time to explain that I wasn?蒺t a thief.

The foolish boy

Once a little boy told his mother that he had seen a big mirror lying on the ground on his way back home. After hearing it,mother asked him immediately if he knew who had lost it and whether there was anyone near it. The boy shook his head and said no.

His mother asked him if he had taken it back home. The boy shook his head again and said he didn?蒺t. Mother got angry with him and said that he was a fool,since there was no one near it,why he didn?蒺t take it home.

The boy told his mother he was going to pick it up when he saw another one in the mirror looking at him.

Hard lot(遭遇) of the drum

It was Jimmy?蒺s five-year-old birthday. He got quite a lot of birthday presents from his family,and one of them was a beautiful big drum(鼓).“Who gave him that thing?”Jimmy?蒺s father said when he saw it.“His grandfather did,”answered Jimmy?蒺s mother.

Of course Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it,but mother did not mind. Father was working during the day,and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening,so he did not hear the noise.

But one of the neighbours did not like the noise at all,so one morning after a few days,she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmy?蒺s house while he was hitting his drum. She said to him,“Hello,Jimmy,do you know,there is something very nice inside your drum. Here?蒺s a knife. Open the drum and let?蒺s find it.”

The clever cook

There was a Russian family living in China for a few years. One evening,an important Chinese officer came to visit the family. It was late,but the officer still didn?蒺t leave. The hostess(女主人) invited the Chinese officer to have dinner with them,but she had very little food in the house. So she went to the kitchen and told about it to her Chinese cook. He said,“It is all right. You will have a very good dinner.”

When they all sat down to eat,the lady was very surprised because there was a lot of good food on the table.

After the meal,the hostess went to the kitchen and asked the cook,“How did you make such a good meal in half an hour?”

“I did not make it,madam,”she said.“I sent one of the servants to the Chinese officer?蒺s house,and he brought back the Chinese officer?蒺s dinner.”