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Achilles was the son of Peleus and Thetis. He was the greatest and the most handsome warrior (战士) of Greek army in Trojan War. As a baby, his mother dipped him in the water of the River Styx(冥河) to make him invulnerable (刀枪不入的) to attack, except for the part of his heels by which she held him.

Peleus, having received an oracle2 that his son would die fighting at Troy, dressed Achilles as a woman trying to avoid the obligation of going to Troy. Greek hero Odysseus (Roman name Ulysses) was called upon3 to search for Achilles on the warning of an oracle that Troy couldn't be taken without Achilles's service. Peleus made his son stand in the hall among a group of similady(相像地) dressed women. Odysseus was allowed to pick him out, which turned out to be a very difficult job. Odysseus suddenly took out a bugle(号角) and blew it. All the women in the hall scattered4 in panic5 except Achilles, who grabbed(抓取)the sword from Odysseus and was ready to fight. In this way he betrayed6 himself and was found out by Odysseus.

Achilles wore amour and weapon made by Hephaestus to join the war, and he took fifty ships with him to Troy. During the war, he took 12 cities around Troy and killed innumerable(无数的) enemies, including Tenes, a son of Apollo. Later, Apollo veiled(遮盖) himself with cloud, guiding the hand of Paris to shoot a poisoned arrow into Achilles's heel. This deadly shot took the life of the great hero. At last Apollo avenged(进行报复) his son's murder.

"Achilles's heel" refers to the only part of the body that remains vulnerable(脆弱的).


1. heel n.(足)跟

2. oracle n.神的启示

3. call upon=call on 邀请,要求

4. scatter vt.逃散

5. panice n.恐慌,惊慌

6. betray vt.(非故意地)暴露;显露;表现



