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Treating guests correctly

In Russia when you have guests at home, you have to feed them well. If you don’t invite your guests to the table, they can consider you very impolite and greedy. Usually hosts serve typical Russian food such as borsch. Also, you have to put a bottle of cold vodka and cucumbers on the table. Usually, this finishes with all the guests and hosts singing old Russian songs.



Standing apart and avoiding eye contact

A small town in Colombia has some unwritten rules people are used to. These rules are not officially established, but people do respect them. For instance, in a bus, a person has to keep a distance from another person. They

would sit less than a meter. Most people are used to going to their jobs late because they prefer to wait for another bus if the first one is too crowded. They don’t want to stand very close to another person or maybe they are afraid of starting a conversation.

Sometimes people don’t like to make any kind of conversation or make eye contact with others. For example, when they are in line to go into a bank, they prefer to look up or down than to look at the other people. Moreover, people usually look down when they are in an elevator. Not only in a bus, in line at a bank, and in an elevator do people usually avoid talking to other people but also in the streets when they are walking, they prefer to look down.




Taking a Nap

Each country has several unwritten rules, and each member has to follow them. One of these unwritten laws in Greece is to take a nap from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Every store or office is closed during this time. Streets are silent. Even if you do not like to sleep, you have to obey and be at home. You cannot make any noise that

can disturb your neighbors. If you are a foreign businessman, you cannot order your staff to

work at this time, and it is better for your

nerves to also go home or to your hotel and take a nap. Probably, you will find it very helpful.



Water is for the Young.Work is for the Old.

In Turkey, we have a saying, that is “Water is for the young, work is for the old”. This means the young have got the right to do something first. For example, when two people are thirsty, the young one first drinks the water. However, they always have to listen very carefully while old people are speaking. I accept this value very much and try to do that in my life.

Turkey is a very old country. Because of this, our values are very important for the people, and in Turkey there is great respect for the old people start to talk, everyone has to listen to them very quietly and try to receive the advice that the old people are giving. This value has been carried out for a long time and is still accepted in our life.

In addition to this, old people have got duty to teach young children about life and to help them when they are in trouble; they have to give advice to find the best solutions. On the other hand, young people have got the priority to do something. This shows that there is a huge love for young children. This attitude will help them to grow up in the right way, and it will be very worthwhile for their culture.



