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摘 要:根据六角弹簧汽车碰撞吸能装置的结构与工作原理,采用SolidWorks,Hypermesh和LS-DYNA仿真软件,建立吸能装置的有限元分析模型.应用所建立的有限元模型,分析了当配重块质量为1.5 t,时速为50 km/h,汽车正面碰撞时吸能装置的效能.仿真结果表明,六角弹簧管汽车碰撞吸能装置具有很好的保护效果,汽车纵梁侵入量小(252.9 mm)、碰撞能量的吸收比高(52.09%)、汽车X方向加速度峰值低(58.8 g),验证了该吸能装置能有效地保护汽车和车内乘员的安全.


中图分类号:U463.99 文献标识码:A

Research on the Performances of Hexagonal Spring Tube

Energy-absorbing Device for Car Crash

MENG Zhi-qiang1,HE Tao2,3, YIN Wang-wu4, JIANG He-ping2,CHEN Ying2

(1.College of Electrical and Information Engineering,Hunan Univ,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China;

2. Hunan Liangcai Automobile Safety Science & Technology Co, Ltd, Changsha,Hunan 410010, China;

3.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Wuhan Univ of Technology,Wuhan, Hubei 430070,China;

4.College of Automotive and Mechanical,Changsha Univ of Technology,Changsha, Hunan 410000,China)

Abstract: Based on the structure and working principle of a hexagonal spring tube energy-absorbing device for car crash, this paper utilized the SolidWorks, Hypermesh and LS-DYNA to establish a finite element model for the device, and analyzed the performances of the device, under a frontal crash condition whose weight is 1.5 tons and speed is 50 km/h. Simulation results have shown that the energy-absorbing device have very good performances. For example, a smaller invasive amount for car stringer(252.9 mm), a higher crashing energy absorption ratio(52.09%) and a lower maximum X-direction acceleration for car(58.8 g).The above indices show that the device can protect the vehicle and the people in the vehicle.

Key words:crashworthiness; frame; crash; spring tube; energy-absorbing device; finite element model

随着汽车工业的快速发展,汽车碰撞安全性问题越来越突出 [1].目前,提高汽车安全性的技术主要有车前保险杠、安全带和安全气囊等.近几年,还提出了在汽车碰撞时能够缓冲碰撞过程、吸收碰撞能量以及减少碰撞损失的汽车碰撞保护装置 [1-3].

本文基于Hypermesh及LS-DYNA软件平台,建立六角弹簧管汽车碰撞吸能装置(以下简称吸能装置)[3]的有限元分析模型,对配重块质量1.5 t,时速50 km/h的正面碰撞进行分析,研究吸能装置对汽车纵梁侵入量、装置吸能比、汽车X方向加速度峰值3大性能参数的影响,即研究该吸能装置的效能.

1 吸能装置组成及工作原理




不带任何吸能装置的裸车加速度峰值出现在车架前纵梁撞上刚性墙的时刻,达到117.5 g;弹簧螺栓式碰撞消能保护装置的汽车加速度峰值稍低,为86.4 g;吸能装置的汽车加速度峰值最小,为58.8 g.

6 结 论

本文使用SolidWorks,Hypermesh和LS-DYNA联合建模求解方法,建立了六角弹簧管汽车碰撞吸能装置的有限元模型,对碰撞变形――汽车纵梁最大侵入量、加速度和保护器吸能特性进行研究分析.仿真结果表明,吸能装置具有很好的效能,汽车纵梁侵入量小(252.9 mm)、装置的吸能比高(52.09%)、汽车X方向加速度峰值低(58.8 g),能有效保护汽车和人员安全,具有极大的实用价值.


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