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Who knew George W. Bush had a taste for Turkish 1)literature? Yet, there he was in Istanbul, quoting Turkey’s most famous novelist, Orhan Pamuk.

Sitting in a Greek restaurant near Carnegie Hall注1, Pamuk recalls the Bush 2)reference. “Those who prepared his speech thought it would give a bit of 3)glamour to a writer-suspect though the glamour may be!”

Glamour, at least the literary kind, is something Pamuk already 4)possessed. He has been translated into 35 languages. His sixth novel, My Name Is Red, won the world’s richest book prize, the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award注2, in 2003. It’s become 5)commonplace to speak of when, not if, he will win the Nobel Prize.

What makes Pamuk 6)unique is his ability to serve as a literary bridge between East and West.

“There must be many good writers in many, many places whose work doesn’t easily translate, because it is so 7)specific to the place,”says Ian Jack, editor of the literary 8)quarterly Granta. “Orhan is, for some reason or other, 9)accessible to us.”

Pamuk’s homeland 10)straddles Europe and Asia, something he considers valuable both to him and to it. “Turkey is made in such a way that the country’s culture is also made of two spirits,”Pamuk says, “not 11)essentially fighting with each other, but trying to find ways of 12)combining. In that sense, I’m slightly 13)schizophrenic-slightly.”

Pamuk has a great laugh that 14)gallops all over his conversation. He is eager and funny, and intellectually 15)vibrant.

“I talk and talk too much,?Pamuk says with a frown. It’s true, though, he does talk a lot "but that’s also how he writes. “Oh, I’m a hard-working, 16)obsessive type,”he says. “I go to my office. Then I stay there 10 hours. I’m working all the time. I have no holidays. Book tours? Ha! These are my holidays.”

When Pamuk speaks, the words spill out in 17)bursts. He makes faces. He 18)gesticulates.

“Orhan is a person who opens up interesting 19)vistas of discussion and debate,”says Erdag Goknar, who did the English translation of My Name Is Red.

“His intelligence, sense of 20)irony, and humor make him fun to be around. This playfulness, however, 21)alternates with a self-22)consciousness and intellectual 23)intensity that 24)verges on obsession.”

Pamuk’s own background-highly Western and 25)apolitical-could not have been more different from that of an Islamic 26)radical. His great ambition, as he grew up, was to be a painter. That urge, he 27)concedes, survives in the strongly visual bent of his writing.

“I come from a family of engineers. My grandfather made a lot of money building railroads. He died young, and, as sort of a way of honoring his memory, I was supposed to go to engineering school. None of the other professions were considered honorable. Since they realized I was also interested in these painters, someone in the family said, ‘Oh, this one won’t be an engineer but an architect.’I agreed with that right away. So I began studying, and three years after 28)enrolling in architecture school, I decided I wouldn’t be an architect or painter, but a writer. I’d been reading a lot.”

When Pamuk, a man who claims to have 16,000 books in his library, says “a lot,”he really does mean “a lot.”The authors he calls his “main guys”were Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Thomas Mann, Faulkner, Woolf, and “perhaps”Hemingway. Later on, there were Borges注3, Calvino注4, Nabokov注5 and Proust注6.








“我一直在讲话,而且往往讲得太多,” 帕慕克皱了皱眉。是的,他的话确实很多,但这也是他的写作方式。“噢,我是那种笔耕不辍,专心致志的人”,他说。“我去办公室,一呆就是10个小时。我一直在工作,没有假期。书展?哈哈,那就是我的假期。”





“我来自一个工程师之家。我的祖父靠修建铁路赚了不少钱。他很年轻就去世了,为了纪念他,我本应去读工程学校。其它职业都被认为是不高尚的。当家里人发现我对绘画也感兴趣的时候,就有人说:‘噢,这个人将成为一名建筑师而不是工程师。’我马上就认定了这句话,于是开始学习。 在建筑学校呆了三年后,我决定当一名作家,而不是建筑师或画家。那时我已经看了很多书。”


Review on My Name Is Red


“[In this] magnificent[宏伟的] new novel……amuk takes the reader into the strange and beautiful world of Islamic art, in which Western notions no longer make sense……In this world of forgeries[伪造物], where some might be in danger of losing their faith in literature, Pamuk is the real thing, and this book might well be one of the few recent works of fiction that will be remembered at the end of this century.”


-Avkar Altinel, The Observer, UK 阿维卡•阿尔特内尔,英国《观察家报》