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Saturday 5 April 2007

We are nearly at the end of the Easter holidays, which seem to have gone on for ever and my other half is now in the process of cleaning the house to get rid of sticky finger marks, dirty footprints and half-eaten Easter eggs that are just way too tempting within 1)eyeshot. We have managed to 2)juggle the kids with the wonderful flexibility that both of us have of being able to work from home. What would we have done without computers and the internet. I do all my shopping, book holidays, write this stuff and work on the internet. How would I fill my days otherwise. I might have to actually venture into

supermarkets again with two kids in tow, one who decides to sit down when she cannot be bothered. All the stress of kids demanding chocolate and the latest DVD are over with the touch of a few buttons and my existing favourite items list.

What are we going to be like in ten or even five years? There may come a point where all the shops go online. That is rather a scary thought, especially when I think of giving up on the

coffee shops that accompany most shopping

centres. However, in the meantime, it serves us well and enables us to do all sorts of things we could never have done before like spending more time with the kids. It has been great setting my alarm at 5:30 so I can get some work done before they wake up! Anyway back to normality next week with a return to school. And I will return to the relative peace of the office and a chance to grab a really nice coffee without having the risk of flying Barbies aimed at your cup.

Tuesday 28 August 2007

We have just come back from holiday and for the first time left our two kids down in 3)Dorset with Nanny and Grandad. Do you know what? I am really missing my two little darlings. I keep getting 4)text message pictures of them playing on the beach and arm in arm with each other. My little daughter told me she missed me on the phone last night for the first time. It brought a tear to my eye.

But then this morning, when we woke up to the sound of the alarm and not “Mommy”, being repeated

ever so slightly louder each time and with ever

increasing pitch, it was actually quite nice. I managed to have a peaceful breakfast without having to sort out 5)petty 6)squabbles and was seated at the computer

by 8:30 doing this. Sometimes it is nice to have a bit of peace…until the next text arrives or I switch on the TV to see a loving family all cradled together. Better get loads of tissues ready!

Thursday 4 October 2007

Well it is October already and I don’t know about you but this weather is just knocking me out. I don’t know whether to wear my scarf or my new 7)slinky little top.Even my little girl is running around with a runny nose and a T-shirt. I can’t

decide whether to cover her up or cool her down. No doubt I will be wrong on either account depending upon which health professional you talk to.

It does raise the issue, however, what do we do for the best. We work to provide a stable income to house and clothe our kids, even though my kids would probably prefer me to stay at home and knit them some clothes. On the other hand, just watching television bombards you with constant “I want that, I want that, I want that!” Do they ever know when to stop? Once they get what they have wanted for ages, they move on to something else. You just have to read one book about 8)Horrid Henry to find that out.

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But kids can give you a great inspiration for selling techniques for your own business.How often do we or 9)more often than not, lovely Nanny or Grandad give in? They are born to sell to you, these 10)pesky little creatures. They just have to either: go on and on until you give up or think of perfectly valid reasons why they need those new 11trainers.

My seven year old son did the most elaborate business plan recently for having a new computer game, Worms. He put together three of his old games, told his dad they could both appreciate the product (win:win) and then even predicted when the best time for purchase would be and how the additional funds could be found from future pocket money cash flows. What a brilliant mind. Perhaps we all need to ask our kids about future business planning and it may even be cheaper than a business consultant!

2007年4月5日 星期六



2007年8月28日 星期二



2007年10月4日 星期四





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