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ACG (Animation, Comic and Game) Club“动漫后援会”板块正式在每期的“娱乐直播室”栏目了!本会将不断为大家提供更多热点新番推荐、名家名作介绍、动漫现象述评等多方面动漫英文资讯,敬请继续关注!本期带来的便是日本首届声优赏的专题报道――

Japan’s first ever award ceremony for voice acting talents (seiyuu) in anime and other media was held on March 3rd, at the 3D Theater of the Tokyo Anime Center in Akihabara注1. The Seiyuu Awards ceremony included a special red-carpet session after the awards, in front of the Tokyo Anime Center. Winners appeared on the red carpet after the show to offer thanks to their fans, who had gathered outside the Center.

Seiyuu is the Japanese term for voice-over artist, especially in anime dubbing[配音]. In Japan, seiyuu are much less anonymous[佚名的] as artists, than voice-over actors in the West. They are the stars. Many famous seiyuu have large fan groups of their own. There are special magazines dedicated to[献给] seiyuu. Meanwhile, all major anime magazines contain articles, or information, about anime seiyuu. Many seiyuu have also released their own books, containing writings and pictures. All these books are really popular among fans. Today, forums and websites for certain seiyuu can easily be found all over the Internet.

In fact, many seiyuu deserve[应得] this recognition. Some of them play a wide variety of roles, freely changing their voices, with skills and talent not often found anywhere else, easily bringing any character to life. Fans watching a show will know all of the major seiyuu, and often seek out to watch a particular show because of the famous seiyuu starring in it. Thus it’s quite fair to say that some seiyuu can make or break[为成败关键] an anime production simply by the force of their presence within the works.

Most seiyuu will not limit themselves to just acting in anime. Famous ones may appear in live action films and series; others would release music albums or character-song CDs, which can often reach the top of the charts.




