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Part 2 A Careful Choice

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Smart Sentences① …but he also mentions that he’s “messy to a fault.” ……但是他也提到自己太过邋遢。

to be + adj. to a fault: to be so (adj.) that it creates problems[过度+(形容词)而产生问题]。例如:

He’s picky to a fault. Picking one shirt can take him hours!


② It’s better safe than sorry! 事后追悔不如事前稳妥!

better safe than sorry: used to warn that one might get a bad result if one is not cautious enough.(用于提醒别人,

Tom: Guess not! OK, here we go: contestant No.1…a guy named Michael.

Kathryn: Looks like a nice guy. But look: he doesn’t have any“references.”

Tom: What does that mean?

Kathryn: Well, think about it! Letting a perfect stranger come into your house can be dangerous, right? So, to take some of the danger out of it, couch surfers can “refer” each other. If somebody has loads of references, you can bet that they’ve been around the block a few times and haven’t caused any problems. Tom: That’s a great system! OK, then, since this guy is my first houseguest, I’ll look for an experienced surfer.

Kathryn: Not a bad plan. How about this guy, “Mariano”?

Tom: Hmm… looks pretty solid, except it seems his English isn’t very good.

Kathryn: Well, that could cause problems. Maybe you can take on that kind of challenge after you’ve done this a few times. Next! Tom: Look at Nathan. He has a few references…

Kathryn: ①…but he also mentions that he’s “messy to a fault.”Seems like you two wouldn’t get along!

Tom: You’re right! I couldn’t stand having someone trash my house. Wow, it seems like finding a couch surfer is harder than I’d thought!

Kathryn: Well, it’s better to be as careful as possible. As they say, ②it’s better safe than sorry!

Tom: ③Truer words were never spoken. ④But what if I can’t find anybody who fits the bill? That would be a real let-down.

Kathryn: Don’t give up yet! What about this guy: Laurence, twenty-one years old, lots of references, good English, seems nice enough…

Tom: What more could you ask for? It says he’s coming to town next weekend. I’m free then! Looks like we have a winner!

Kathryn: Indeed! But remember to be careful. You are letting someone into your home after all.

Tom: I know, I know. I’ll be careful. I’ll let you know how it goes, too!

Kathryn: I’ll look forward to it!