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Jade Flower

in Yangzhou

By Huang Dazhao

Yangzhou, a river town in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, used to be renowned for its fortune and fast life for hundreds of years. The legendary affluence and fast life are gone today, but the ancient Wild Chinese Viburnum, academically known as viburnum macrocephalum f. ketkleeri and locally known as jade flower, has outlived the river town’s past and still blooms fantastically year in year out in Yangzhou. The local residents boast that the city’s proud blossom is quite unique and you need to come to Yangzhou to see the flora.

The first discovery of the wild Chinese Viburnum in Yangzhou dates back to the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). Something mysterious had happened to the plant behind a temple and nine jade-white flowers came out around a pistil and sent out an odor so fragrant that, on hearing the news, the residents flocked there to take a look. The sensational news reached the governor. He hastened to the blooming scene and was so inspired that he wrote a poem. The preface to the poem recorded the event. As the flower looked like jade in color, it was named jade flower.

Succeeding governors in Yangzhou also wrote poems to laud the floral beauty. Ouyang Xiu, a great historian and poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, had a hexagonal-roof pavilion constructed near the plant and renamed the nearby temple as jade flower viewing temple.

As spectacular things always beget legends, the jade flower in Yangzhou gave rise to a few legends that try to romanticize the flower genesis. The most popular legend has it that an immortal visited Yangzhou and chatted with locals about the incredible flowers in the divine land. To prove the truth, the god planted a white jade into the soil. The jade instantly grew up and bloomed. That was how the river town got the famed flower in the first place. A temple was established to guard it. When the Yang Emperor of the Sui Dynasty heard of the flower, he had a grand canal built to reach the city. He came to see the flower, followed by his huge entourage and concubines. Upon his arrival at the temple, a storm blew out of nowhere all of a sudden and the plant was stripped of all the flowers and leaves. The enraged emperor chopped down the plant with his sword, totally unaware that the plant acted as a guardian for his dynasty. With the guardian gone, his dynasty soon fell apart.

There are folk stories about how the plant has a stubborn heart for its home soil in Yangzhou. The Renzong Emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty heard of the flower in Yangzhou so much that he asked the royal gardeners to remove the plant by the temple to his garden in the capital. The jade flower soon withered and refused to bloom. The emperor had sympathy for the displaced plant and sent it back to its home garden in Yangzhou. In the closing years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty heard of the jade flower in Yangzhou and removed it. After the war ended, a Taoist came back to the temple. He found a root of the plant that had been left over. He replanted the jade flower and built an octagonal pavilion to protect it. Miraculously, the root came back to life and grew up into a tree again in a few years. In the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), another emperor transplanted part of the plant to the capital in the south. But the plant refused to acclimate itself to the royal garden and withered. The disappointed emperor ordered the plant to be transplanted back home.

In the early 1988, the Yangzhou Municipal Government decided to hold a jade flower festival every two years. As pressed for time, the first festival was postponed to be held in October that year. When guests and local residents gathered to celebrate the river town symbol flower, the blooming season in spring was long past. To their delight and surprise, however, jade flowers planted near an ancient river port bloomed in the wrong season as if to cater to the occasion. All the people were greatly pleased.

Today, the festival is held on April 18th every year in Yangzhou. The jade flower is widely planted everywhere in scenic spots across the city.

(Translated by David)