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你了解“used to”吗?

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1. used to的基本用法及特点

used to是情态动词,意为“过去经常”,其中的to是不定式符号,不是介词,其后应接动词原形。它只有过去式一种形式,可以用于所有人称。例如:

I used to watch TV a lot in the evening, but now I don?蒺t like it. 我过去晚上常常长时间地看电视,但现在不喜欢那样做了。

He used to live in Shanghai. 他过去一直住在上海。

“used to do sth”意为“过去常常做某事”。它既可以用来表示过去的习惯,也可以用来表示过去的状态。例如:

I used to like collecting coins. 我过去喜欢集硬币。

Cheng Lei used to be a worker. 程磊过去是一位工人。

2. 否定式和疑问式

used to可借助did构成否定式和疑问式。例如:

否定句式: He didn?蒺t use to come here. 他过去不常来这里。

疑问句式: Did you use to play basketball? 你过去常常打篮球吗?

Where did you use to live? 你过去住在哪儿?


They used not to swim in the pond. 他们过去不常在池子里游泳。

Used he to collect stamps? 他过去常常集邮吗?

3. 与used to相关的固定搭配

be/get/become used to sth意为“习惯于某事”,其后跟名词或代词。例如:

The old man is used to the hard life. 那位老人习惯过艰苦的生活。

be/get/become used to doing sth意为“习惯于做某事”,这里的be/become/get是连系动词,可以有不同的时态形式; to是介词,其后跟动名词,但不可跟动词原形。例如:

I was not used to living in a noisy place. 我不习惯住在一个喧闹的地方。

My parents are used to getting up early and going to bed early. 我父母有早睡早起的习惯。

be used for sth/doing sth意为“供……用”。例如:

A knife is used for cutting things. 刀是用来切东西的。


1. He used to be fat. (改为一般疑问句)


2. My mother used to play mahjong(麻将). (改为否定句)


3. What did you use (doing, to do) on Sunday? (用合适的词填空)

4. 他们每天习惯于步行去学校。(汉译英)



1. Did he use to be fat? /Used he to be fat?

2. My mother didn?蒺t use to play mahjong. /My mother used not to play mahjong.

3. to do

4. They are used to walking to school every day.